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cd_type(3) [osf1 man page]

cd_type(3)						     Library Functions Manual							cd_type(3)

cd_type - Determines the type of file system recorded on a CD-ROM LIBRARY
Rock Ridge and X/Open Extensions to the CDFS library (, libcdrom.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/cdrom.h> int cd_type ( char *path ); PARAMETERS
Points to a pathname naming a file or directory within the CD-ROM File System hierarchy, or to a pathname naming the block special file for the CD-ROM File System. DESCRIPTION
The cd_type routine determines the type of file system recorded on the CD-ROM pointed to by *path. RETURN VALUES
If successful, the function returns one of the following values, which are defined in cdfs/xcdr.h, an include file that is called into sys/cdrom.h: {CD_ISO9660} CD-ROM is recorded according to ISO 9660. {CD_HSG} CD-ROM is recorded according to High Sierra Group. {CD_RRIP} CD-ROM is recorded according to ISO 9660 with the Rock Ridge Extension. If unsuccessful, the integer -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
The function will fail if: Search permission is denied for a directory in *path or read and execute permission are denied for the named file, or read permission is denied on the block special file pointed to by *path. The address of *path is invalid. A signal was caught during execution of the function. The argument *path points to a file or directory that is not within the CD-ROM file hierarchy. {OPEN_MAX} file descriptors are currently open in the calling process. [Tru64 UNIX] Either the OPEN_MAX value or the per-process soft descriptor limit is checked. The length of the *path string exceeds {PATH_MAX}, or a pathname component is longer than {NAME_MAX} while {_POSIX_NO_TRUNC} is in effect. The system file table is full. A component of *path does not exist, or the *path argument points to an empty string. A component of the *path prefix is not a directory. The CD-ROM is not in the drive, or a read error occurred. The named file is a block special file and the device associated with the special file does not exist. RELATED INFORMATION
Files: cdfs/xcdr.h, sys/cdrom.h. delim off cd_type(3)

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cd_defs(3)						     Library Functions Manual							cd_defs(3)

cd_defs - Sets or gets default values for the User or Group ID, or for file or directory permissions LIBRARY
Rock Ridge and X/Open Extensions to the CDFS library (, libcdrom.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/cdrom.h> int cd_defs ( char *path, int cmd, struct cd_defs *defs ); PARAMETERS
Points to a mount-point of a CD-ROM File System. Can be set to either {CD_SETDEFS} to set or {CD_GETDEFS} to get the default values for the UID, GID, or file or directory permis- sions for the mounted CD-ROM pointed to by *path. The variables {CD_SETDEFS} and {CD_GETDEFS} are defined in cdfs/xcdr.h, an include file that is called into sys/cdrom.h. Points to the cd_defs structure that holds the default values for the UID, GID, and file or directory permissions for the mounted CD-ROM pointed to by *path. The cd_defs structure is defined in cdfs/xcdr.h, an include file that is called into sys/cdrom.h. DESCRIPTION
The cd_defs routine sets or gets the default values for UIDs, GIDs, or file or directory permissions for a mounted CD-ROM. RESTRICTIONS
Setting default values is restricted to users with the appropriate privileges. This function is intended to be used to set default values only directly after the CD-ROM is mounted and before its files and directories are accessed. Attempting to use this function to set default values after files or directories on the CD-ROM have been accessed may produce unpredictable results. RETURN VALUES
If successful, the value zero is returned. If unsuccessful, the integer -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
The function will fail if: Search permission is denied for a directory in *path or read permission is denied on the mount-point. The address of *defs or *path is invalid. A signal was caught during execution of the function. The argument *path does not point to a mount- point of a CDROM File System. The value of cmd or values of members of the cd_defs structure are invalid. {OPEN_MAX} file descriptors are currently open in the calling process. [Tru64 UNIX] Either the OPEN_MAX value or the per-process soft descriptor limit is checked. The length of the *path string exceeds {PATH_MAX}, or a pathname component is longer than {NAME_MAX} while {_POSIX_NO_TRUNC} is in effect. The system file table is full. A component of *path does not exist, or the *path argument points to an empty string. A component of the *path prefix is not a directory. The user does not have the appropriate privileges to set values. RELATED INFORMATION
Files: cdfs/xcdr.h, sys/cdrom.h. delim off cd_defs(3)
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