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cd_defs(3) [osf1 man page]

cd_defs(3)						     Library Functions Manual							cd_defs(3)

cd_defs - Sets or gets default values for the User or Group ID, or for file or directory permissions LIBRARY
Rock Ridge and X/Open Extensions to the CDFS library (, libcdrom.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/cdrom.h> int cd_defs ( char *path, int cmd, struct cd_defs *defs ); PARAMETERS
Points to a mount-point of a CD-ROM File System. Can be set to either {CD_SETDEFS} to set or {CD_GETDEFS} to get the default values for the UID, GID, or file or directory permis- sions for the mounted CD-ROM pointed to by *path. The variables {CD_SETDEFS} and {CD_GETDEFS} are defined in cdfs/xcdr.h, an include file that is called into sys/cdrom.h. Points to the cd_defs structure that holds the default values for the UID, GID, and file or directory permissions for the mounted CD-ROM pointed to by *path. The cd_defs structure is defined in cdfs/xcdr.h, an include file that is called into sys/cdrom.h. DESCRIPTION
The cd_defs routine sets or gets the default values for UIDs, GIDs, or file or directory permissions for a mounted CD-ROM. RESTRICTIONS
Setting default values is restricted to users with the appropriate privileges. This function is intended to be used to set default values only directly after the CD-ROM is mounted and before its files and directories are accessed. Attempting to use this function to set default values after files or directories on the CD-ROM have been accessed may produce unpredictable results. RETURN VALUES
If successful, the value zero is returned. If unsuccessful, the integer -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
The function will fail if: Search permission is denied for a directory in *path or read permission is denied on the mount-point. The address of *defs or *path is invalid. A signal was caught during execution of the function. The argument *path does not point to a mount- point of a CDROM File System. The value of cmd or values of members of the cd_defs structure are invalid. {OPEN_MAX} file descriptors are currently open in the calling process. [Tru64 UNIX] Either the OPEN_MAX value or the per-process soft descriptor limit is checked. The length of the *path string exceeds {PATH_MAX}, or a pathname component is longer than {NAME_MAX} while {_POSIX_NO_TRUNC} is in effect. The system file table is full. A component of *path does not exist, or the *path argument points to an empty string. A component of the *path prefix is not a directory. The user does not have the appropriate privileges to set values. RELATED INFORMATION
Files: cdfs/xcdr.h, sys/cdrom.h. delim off cd_defs(3)

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cd_idmap(3)						     Library Functions Manual						       cd_idmap(3)

cd_idmap - Sets or gets mappings of User and Group IDs on a CD-ROM LIBRARY
Rock Ridge and X/Open Extensions to the CDFS library (, libcdrom.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/cdrom.h> int cd_idmap ( char *path, int cmd, struct cd_idmap *idmap, int *nmaps ); PARAMETERS
Points to the mount-point of a CD-ROM File System. Can be set to either {CD_SETUMAP} or {CD_SETGMAP} to set; or to {CD_GETUMAP} or {CD_GETGMAP} to get the mappings of UIDs or GIDs on the CD-ROM File System pointed to by *path. The variables {CD_SETUMAP}, {CD_SETGMAP}, {CD_GETUMAP}, and {CD_GETGMAP} are defined in cdfs/xcdr.h, an include file that is called into sys/cdrom.h. Points to the cd_idmap structure used in conjunction with the {CD_SETUMAP}, {CD_SETGMAP}, {CD_GETUMAP}, and {CD_GETGMAP} arguments to cmd, to hold the mappings to UIDs or GIDs. The cd_idmap structure is defined in cdfs/xcdr.h, an include file that is called into sys/cdrom.h. Indicates the number of mappings declared in the cd_idmap structure pointed to by *idmap. If cmd is set to {CD_SETUMAP} or {CD_SETGMAP}, *nmaps overwrites any previous values set by a prior call to cd_idmap. When *nmaps is zero, none of the previously set mappings will stay in effect. When calling, if cmd is set to {CD_GETUMAP} or {CD_GETGMAP}, *nmaps must contain the maximum number of mappings that may be returned; when returning, *nmaps contains the number of mappings. DESCRIPTION
The cd_idmap routine sets or gets the mapping of UIDs or GIDs for a mounted CD-ROM. RESTRICTIONS
Setting values is restricted to users with the appropriate privileges. Only files and directories with an unrestricted final Extended Attribute Record (XAR) are subject to this mapping. The ISO 9660 standard does not permit a UID or GID of zero to appear in an unre- stricted XAR. Consequently, mapping a zero value for a UID or GID may produce unpredictable results. This function is intended to be used to set values only directly after the CD-ROM is mounted and before its files and directories are accessed. Attempting to use this function to set values after files or directories on the CD-ROM have been accessed may produce unpredictable results. RETURN VALUES
If successful, the value zero is returned. If unsuccessful, the integer -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
The function will fail if: Search permission is denied for a directory in *path or read permission is denied on the mount-point. The address of *idmap or *path is invalid. A signal was caught during execution of the function. The argument *path points to a file or directory that is not within the CD-ROM file hierarchy. The value of cmd or *nmaps is invalid. A member of the *idmap is invalid; for example, from_id is larger than 65535, or a value in to_uid or to_gid is not supported by the system. Note that this error will not be returned when from_id does not exist on the CD-ROM, when to_uid is not defined in the User Database, or when to_gid is not in the Group Database. {OPEN_MAX} file descriptors are currently open in the calling process. [Tru64 UNIX] Either the OPEN_MAX value or the per-process soft descriptor limit is checked. The length of the *path string exceeds {PATH_MAX}, or a pathname component is longer than {NAME_MAX} while {_POSIX_NO_TRUNC} is in effect. The system file table is full. A component of *path does not exist, or the *path argument points to an empty string. A component of the *path prefix is not a directory. The user does not have the appropriate privileges to set values. RELATED INFORMATION
Files: cdfs/xcdr.h, sys/cdrom.h. delim off cd_idmap(3)
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