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__sia_isagroup(3) [osf1 man page]

__sia_isagroup(3)					     Library Functions Manual						 __sia_isagroup(3)

__sia_isagroup, _sia_isagroup - checks a list of known groups to determine if a given group already exists - SIA (Security Integration Architecture) LIBRARY
Standard C library ( and libc.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <sia.h> #include <siad.h> int __sia_isagroup( gid_t group gid_t *list int ngroups) PARAMETERS
Group ID to check for membership in the list. Array of group IDs that is already known. Number if elements in list to scan. DESCRIPTION
__sia_isagroup is a utility routine for the sia_get_groups() routines to determine whether a given group is already in the known list of groups. RETURN VALUES
This routine returns a 1 if the group is already in the list and a zero if it is not. FILES
/etc/sia/matrix.conf RELATED INFORMATION
getgrent(3), matrix.conf(4), initgroups(3), siad_get_groups(3) _sia_isagroup(3) Security delim off __sia_isagroup(3)

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__sia_isagroup(3)					     Library Functions Manual						 __sia_isagroup(3)

__sia_isagroup, _sia_isagroup - checks a list of known groups to determine if a given group already exists - SIA (Security Integration Architecture) LIBRARY
Standard C library ( and libc.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <sia.h> #include <siad.h> int __sia_isagroup( gid_t group gid_t *list int ngroups) PARAMETERS
Group ID to check for membership in the list. Array of group IDs that is already known. Number if elements in list to scan. DESCRIPTION
__sia_isagroup is a utility routine for the sia_get_groups() routines to determine whether a given group is already in the known list of groups. RETURN VALUES
This routine returns a 1 if the group is already in the list and a zero if it is not. FILES
/etc/sia/matrix.conf RELATED INFORMATION
getgrent(3), matrix.conf(4), initgroups(3), siad_get_groups(3) _sia_isagroup(3) Security delim off __sia_isagroup(3)
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