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getuid(2) [osf1 man page]

getuid(2)							System Calls Manual							 getuid(2)

getuid, geteuid - Gets the real or effective user ID SYNOPSIS
#include <unistd.h> uid_t getuid( void ); uid_t geteuid( void ); Application developers may want to specify an #include statement for <sys/types.h> before the one for <unistd.h> if programs are being developed for multiple platforms. The additional #include statement is not required on Tru64 UNIX systems or by ISO or X/Open standards, but may be required on other vendors' systems that conform to these standards. STANDARDS
Interfaces documented on this reference page conform to industry standards as follows: getuid(): POSIX.1, XPG4, XPG4-UNIX Refer to the standards(5) reference page for more information about industry standards and associated tags. DESCRIPTION
The getuid() function returns the real user ID of the calling process. The geteuid() function returns the effective user ID of the calling process. RELATED INFORMATION
Functions: setuid(2), setruid(3), setreuid(2) Standards: standards(5) delim off getuid(2)

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getuid(2)							System Calls Manual							 getuid(2)

getuid, geteuid - Gets the real or effective user ID SYNOPSIS
#include <unistd.h> uid_t getuid( void ); uid_t geteuid( void ); Application developers may want to specify an #include statement for <sys/types.h> before the one for <unistd.h> if programs are being developed for multiple platforms. The additional #include statement is not required on Tru64 UNIX systems or by ISO or X/Open standards, but may be required on other vendors' systems that conform to these standards. STANDARDS
Interfaces documented on this reference page conform to industry standards as follows: getuid(): POSIX.1, XPG4, XPG4-UNIX Refer to the standards(5) reference page for more information about industry standards and associated tags. DESCRIPTION
The getuid() function returns the real user ID of the calling process. The geteuid() function returns the effective user ID of the calling process. RELATED INFORMATION
Functions: setuid(2), setruid(3), setreuid(2) Standards: standards(5) delim off getuid(2)
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