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xeyes(1x) [osf1 man page]

xeyes(1X)																 xeyes(1X)

xeyes - a follow the mouse X demo SYNOPSIS
xeyes [-option...] OPTIONS
choose a different color for the pupil of the eyes. choose a different color for the background. choose a different color for the outline of the eyes. choose a different color for the center of the eyes. selects an appropriate level of backing store. define the initial win- dow geometry; see X(1X). specify the display to use; see X(1X). choose a different color for the window border. choose a different width for the window border. uses the SHAPE extension to shape the window. This is the default. Disables uses the SHAPE extension to shape the window. DESCRIPTION
The xeyes program watches what you do and reports to the Boss. SEE ALSO
X(1X) See X(1X) for a full statement of rights and permissions. AUTHOR
Keith Packard, MIT X Consortium Copied from the NeWS version written (apparently) by Jeremy Huxtable as seen at SIGGRAPH '88 xeyes(1X)

Check Out this Related Man Page

OCLOCK(1)						      General Commands Manual							 OCLOCK(1)

oclock - round X clock SYNOPSIS
oclock [-option ... ] DESCRIPTION
Oclock simply displays the current time on an analog display. OPTIONS
-fg color choose a different color for the both hands and the jewel of the clock -bg color choose a different color for the background. -jewel color choose a different color for the jewel on the clock. -minute color choose a different color for the minute hand of the clock. -hour color choose a different color for the hour hand of the clock. -backing { WhenMapped Always NotUseful } selects an appropriate level of backing store. -geometry geometry define the initial window geometry; see X(7). -display display specify the display to use; see X(7). -bd color choose a different color for the window border. -bw width choose a different width for the window border. As the Clock widget changes its border around quite a bit, this is most usefully set to zero. -shape causes the clock to use the Shape extension to create an oval window. This is the default unless the shapeWindow resource is set to false. -noshape causes the clock to not reshape itself and ancestors to exactly fit the outline of the clock. -transparent causes the clock to consist only of the jewel, the hands, and the border. COLORS
If you would like your clock to be viewable in color, include the following in the #ifdef COLOR section you read with xrdb: *customization: -color This will cause oclock to pick up the colors in the app-defaults color customization file: /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Clock-color. Below are the default colors: Clock*Background: grey Clock*BorderColor: light blue Clock*hour: yellow Clock*jewel: yellow Clock*minute: yellow SEE ALSO
X(7), X Toolkit documentation AUTHOR
Keith Packard, MIT X Consortium X Version 11 oclock 1.0.3 OCLOCK(1)
Man Page

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