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kb_indicator(1x) [osf1 man page]

kb_indicator(1X)														  kb_indicator(1X)

kb_indicator - Controls the compose (kana) LED during an X session SYNOPSIS
kb_indicator DESCRIPTION
The kb_indicator application is part of the support for the Kana-Kanji conversion input method used for Japanese characters. This applica- tion is available only if the optional Tru64 UNIX subsets that support Japanese are installed on your system. The kb_indicator application lights and turns off the compose LED according to the Kana status. The application controls the LED only when mode switching is active or when you are using a keyboard setting that allows Kana input. The LED lights when you toggle into Kana input mode and turns off when you toggle out of Kana mode. SEE ALSO
Commands: xmodmap(1X) Others: Japanese(5) kb_indicator(1X)

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dxkbledpanel(1X)														  dxkbledpanel(1X)

dxkbledpanel - Present an on-screen display of keyboard indicators. SYNOPSIS
dxkbledpanel [options] OPTIONS
mask is a bitmask where each bit corresponds to one of the thirty-two available keyboard indicators. If -watch is used, dxkbledpanel will only display the indicators specified by mask. -automatic instructs dxkbledpanel to omit automatic XKB indicators from the display. +automatic instructs dxkbledpanel to include automatic XKB indicators in the display. -explicit instructs dxkbledpanel to omit explicit XKB indicators from the display. +explicit instructs dxkbledpanel to include explicit XKB indicators in the display. -named instructs dxkbledpanel to omit named XKB indicators from the display. +named instructs dxkbledpanel to include named XKB indicators in the display. -real instructs dxkbledpanel to omit real XKB indicators from the display. +real instructs dxkbledpanel to include real XKB indicators in the display. -virtual instructs dxkbledpanel to omit virtual XKB indicators from the display. +virtual instructs dxkbledpanel to include virtual XKB indicators in the display. -intersection instructs dxkbledpanel to only present the indicators that meet each of the require- ments specified by the above options. -union instructs dxkbledpanel to present the indicators that meet any of the requirements specified by the above The default set of options is -intersection +named +virtual. DESCRIPTION
The dxkbledpanel command is meant to be a replacement for the kb_indicator application. If XKB is active in the server, the dxkbledpanel command presents an on-screen display of keyboard indicators. Each of the indicators is represented by a toggle button. Pressing on the toggle button will change the state of the indicator as well as the modifier, control, or group state flagged by the indicator. See the XKB library specification for more information on modifier, control, and group state. SEE ALSO
Commands: xkbcomp(1X), kb_indicator(1X) Others: X(1X) dxkbledpanel(1X)
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