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fsinfo(1x) [osf1 man page]

fsinfo(1X)																fsinfo(1X)

fsinfo - X font server information utility SYNOPSIS
fsinfo [-server servername] DESCRIPTION
The fsinfo program is a utility for displaying information about an X font server. It is used to examine the capabilities of a server, the predefined values for various parameters used in communicating between clients and the server, and the font catalogues and alternate servers that are available. EXAMPLE
The following shows a sample produced by fsinfo. name of server: hansen:7100 version number: 1 vendor string: Font Server Prototype vendor release number: 17 maximum request size: 16384 longwords (65536 bytes) number of catalogues: 1 all Number of alternate servers: 2 #0 hansen:7101 #1 hansen:7102 number of extensions: 0 ENVIRONMENT
To get the default fontserver. SEE ALSO
xfs(1X), fslsfonts(1X) AUTHOR
Dave Lemke, Network Computing Devices, Inc fsinfo(1X)

Check Out this Related Man Page

XFSINFO(1)						      General Commands Manual							XFSINFO(1)

xfsinfo - X font server information utility SYNOPSIS
xfsinfo [-server servername] DESCRIPTION
Xfsinfo is a utility for displaying information about an X font server. It is used to examine the capabilities of a server, the predefined values for various parameters used in communicating between clients and the server, and the font catalogues and alternate servers that are available. OPTIONS
-server host:port This option specifies the X font server to contact. HISTORY
Xfsinfo was originally called fsinfo. It was renamed to avoid a clash with the fsinfo utility from the Berkeley automounter amd. EXAMPLE
The following shows a sample produced by xfsinfo. name of server: hansen:7100 version number: 1 vendor string: Font Server Prototype vendor release number: 17 maximum request size: 16384 longwords (65536 bytes) number of catalogues: 1 all Number of alternate servers: 2 #0 hansen:7101 #1 hansen:7102 number of extensions: 0 ENVIRONMENT
FONTSERVER To get the default fontserver. SEE ALSO
xfs(1), fslsfonts(1) AUTHOR
Dave Lemke, Network Computing Devices, Inc XFree86 Version 4.7.0 XFSINFO(1)
Man Page

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