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volcancel(1) [osf1 man page]

volcancel(1)							   User Commands						      volcancel(1)

volcancel - cancel user's request for removable media that is not currently in drive SYNOPSIS
/usr/lib/vold/volcancel [-n] [volume] DESCRIPTION
volcancel cancels a user's request to access a particular floppy or CD-ROM file system. This command is useful when the removable media containing the file system is not currently in the drive. Use the path /vol/rdsk/name_of_volume to specify the volume. If called without a volume name to cancel, volcancel checks for Volume Man- agement running. OPTIONS
-n Display the nickname to the device name translation table. EXAMPLES
Example 1: A sample of the volcancel command. To cancel a request to access an unnamed CD-ROM, use example% /usr/lib/vold/volcancel vol/rdsk/unnamed_cdrom To check if volume management is running, use: example% /usr/lib/vold/volcancel || echo volmgmt not running ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWvolu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
rmmount(1M), volcheck(1), vold(1M), volmissing(1), rmmount.conf(4), vold.conf(4), attributes(5), volfs(7FS) SunOS 5.10 7 Apr 1994 volcancel(1)

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volcancel(1)							   User Commands						      volcancel(1)

volcancel - cancel user's request for removable media that is not currently in drive SYNOPSIS
/usr/lib/vold/volcancel [-n] [volume] DESCRIPTION
volcancel cancels a user's request to access a particular floppy or CD-ROM file system. This command is useful when the removable media containing the file system is not currently in the drive. Use the path /vol/rdsk/name_of_volume to specify the volume. If called without a volume name to cancel, volcancel checks for Volume Man- agement running. OPTIONS
-n Display the nickname to the device name translation table. EXAMPLES
Example 1: A sample of the volcancel command. To cancel a request to access an unnamed CD-ROM, use example% /usr/lib/vold/volcancel vol/rdsk/unnamed_cdrom To check if volume management is running, use: example% /usr/lib/vold/volcancel || echo volmgmt not running ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWvolu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
rmmount(1M), volcheck(1), vold(1M), volmissing(1), rmmount.conf(4), vold.conf(4), attributes(5), volfs(7FS) SunOS 5.10 7 Apr 1994 volcancel(1)
Man Page

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