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unicode_start(1) [osf1 man page]

UNICODE_START(1)					      General Commands Manual						  UNICODE_START(1)

unicode_start - put keyboard and console in unicode mode SYNOPSIS
unicode_start [font [umap]] DESCRIPTION
The unicode_start command will put the keyboard and console into Unicode (UTF-8) mode. For the keyboard this means that one can attach 16-bit U+xxxx values to keyboard keys using loadkeys(1), and have these appear as UTF-8 input to user programs. Also, that one can type hexadecimal Alt-xxxx using the numeric keypad, and again produce UTF-8. For the console this means that the kernel expects UTF-8 output from user programs, and displays the output accordingly. The parameter font is a font that is loaded. It should have a built-in Unicode map, or, if it hasn't, such a map can be given explicitly as second parameter. When no font was specified, the current font is kept. NOTE
Unicode mode is a parameter with a value per virtual console. However, usually the font and keymap is common to all consoles. SEE ALSO
dumpkeys(1), kbd_mode(1), loadkeys(1), unicode_stop(1), utf-8(7), setfont(8) 3 Feb 2001 UNICODE_START(1)

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UNICODE_START(1)					      General Commands Manual						  UNICODE_START(1)

unicode_start - put keyboard and console in unicode mode SYNOPSIS
unicode_start [font [umap]] DESCRIPTION
The unicode_start command will put the keyboard and console into Unicode (UTF-8) mode. For the keyboard this means that one can attach 16-bit U+xxxx values to keyboard keys using loadkeys(1), and have these appear as UTF-8 input to user programs. Also, that one can type hexadecimal Alt-xxxx using the numeric keypad, and again produce UTF-8. For the console this means that the kernel expects UTF-8 output from user programs, and displays the output accordingly. The parameter font is a font that is loaded. It should have a built-in Unicode map, or, if it hasn't, such a map can be given explicitly as second parameter. When no font was specified, the current font is kept. NOTE
Unicode mode is a parameter with a value per virtual console. However, usually the font and keymap is common to all consoles. SEE ALSO
dumpkeys(1), kbd_mode(1), loadkeys(1), unicode_stop(1), utf-8(7), setfont(8) 3 Feb 2001 UNICODE_START(1)
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