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pseudo(1) [osf1 man page]

pseudo(1)						      General Commands Manual							 pseudo(1)

pseudo - Starts a non-STREAMS pty interface for a STREAMS device SYNOPSIS
pseudo [-l] [-shell shell] OPTIONS
Starts a shell process as the login shell. By default, the command starts this process as an interactive shell. Specifies the shell to be started. By default, the command starts the shell set by the SHELL environment variable. DESCRIPTION
The pseudo command provides an appropriate interface for STREAMS tty devices that are installed on systems configured to use the non- STREAMS pty driver. The pseudo command opens a pair of master and slave pty devices, and starts a shell process. The command's options allow you to override the default shell specification and to specify that the process be started as a login shell. NOTES
The pseudo command is available only when one or more of the Tru64 UNIX optional subsets with worldwide support software are installed on your system. In order for the pseudo command to provide a non-STREAMS pty interface for STREAMS devices, the system must be configured to use the non- STREAMS pty driver. If the system is configured to use the STREAMS pty driver, the command provides a STREAMS pty interface. SEE ALSO
Commands: stty(1) Interfaces: pty(7) pseudo(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

pckt(7) 						 Miscellaneous Information Manual						   pckt(7)

pckt - Packet Mode module for STREAMS pty (pseudo-terminal) SYNOPSIS
The feature for STREAMS pty devices allows the user process on the master side of the pty device to be informed of state changes in the pty. To enable in the STREAMS pty device, the user process must push the module onto the master side of the pty with a call to the STREAMS ioctl(2) system call. When the module is pushed onto a STREAMS pty master, certain STREAMS messages going upstream on the master side will get packetized so they can be subsequently retrieved by the master side with a function. When the user process writes data, the module passes the message unchanged downstream on to the next module or driver. When the user process reads data or when the module receives certain STREAMS message types, it constructs a packet out of the message for forwarding upstream. To construct a message packet, the module creates an message. This message contains the original message type in the first data block and the original message in as many data blocks as needed. The user process can then retrieve the message with a call to the func- tion. The module packetizes the following STREAMS message types: All other messages are passed unchanged upstream. If the message is an message, the module looks at the flag and takes the following actions: o If the flag is the module changes it to before creating the message and passing the message upstream. This prevents the stream head's read queue from being flushed by the original o If the flag is the module changes it to before creating the message and passing it upstream. To flush the write queues properly, the module also sends an message with the flag set. o If the flag is the module changes it to before creating the message and passing it upstream. To flush the write queues properly, the module also sends an message with the flag set. AUTHOR
was developed by HP and OSF. SEE ALSO
getmsg(2), ioctl(2), ptm(7), pts(7), ldterm(7), ptem(7), streamio(7). pckt(7)
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