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mkstr(1) [osf1 man page]

mkstr(1)						      General Commands Manual							  mkstr(1)

mkstr - Creates an error message file SYNOPSIS
mkstr [-] message_file prefix file... The mkstr command is used to create files of error messages that can be removed from a single C source file, or from multiple source files. OPTIONS
Causes messages to be appended to the specified message file, instead of creating a new file. DESCRIPTION
The use of mkstr can reduce the size of programs that contain many error diagnostics and reduce system overhead in running such programs. The mkstr command processes each of the specified files, placing an altered version of the input file in a file whose name consists of the specified prefix and the original name. To process the error messages in the source to the message file, mkstr keys on the string 'error(' in the input stream. Each time it occurs, the C string starting at the '' is placed in the message file and is followed by a null character and a newline character. The null character terminates the message so it can be easily used when retrieved; the newline character makes it possible to catalog the error message file neatly to see its contents. The altered copy of the input file then contains a lseek() pointer into the file that can be used to retrieve the message to its appropri- ate source file, as shown in the following example of a program that mkstr produces. char efilname[] = "/usr/lib/pi_strings"; int efil = -1; error(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4) { char buf[256]; if (efil < 0) { efil = open(efilname, 0); if (efil < 0) { oops: perror(efilname); exit(1); } } if ((lseek(efil, (long) a1, 0)) == (long)-1 ) || read(efil, buf, 256) <= 0) goto oops; printf(buf, a2, a3, a4); } EXAMPLES
To put the error messages from the current directory C source files into a file called pi_strings, and to put processed copies of the source for these files into filenames prefixed by xx, enter: mkstr pi_strings xx *.c To append the error messages from an additional source file to pi_strings, enter: mkstr - pi_strings xx newfile.c SEE ALSO
Commands: xstr(1) Functions: lseek(2) mkstr(1)

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MKSTR(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						  MKSTR(1)

mkstr -- create an error message file by massaging C source SYNOPSIS
mkstr [-] mesgfile prefix file ... DESCRIPTION
The mkstr utility creates a file containing error messages extracted from C source, and restructures the same C source, to utilize the cre- ated error message file. The intent of mkstr was to reduce the size of large programs and reduce swapping (see BUGS section below). The mkstr utility processes each of the specified files, placing a restructured version of the input in a file whose name consists of the specified prefix and the original name. A typical usage of mkstr is mkstr pistrings xx *.c This command causes all the error messages from the C source files in the current directory to be placed in the file pistrings and restruc- tured copies of the sources to be placed in files whose names are prefixed with ``xx''. Options: - Error messages are placed at the end of the specified message file for recompiling part of a large mkstred program. The mkstr utility finds error messages in the source by searching for the string 'error("' in the input stream. Each time it occurs, the C string starting at the '"' is stored in the message file followed by a null character and a new-line character; The new source is restruc- tured with lseek(2) pointers into the error message file for retrieval. char efilname = "/usr/lib/pi_strings"; int efil = -1; error(a1, a2, a3, a4) { char buf[256]; if (efil < 0) { efil = open(efilname, 0); if (efil < 0) err(1, "%s", efilname); } if (lseek(efil, (off_t)a1, SEEK_SET) < 0 || read(efil, buf, 256) <= 0) err(1, "%s", efilname); printf(buf, a2, a3, a4); } SEE ALSO
gencat(1), xstr(1), lseek(2) HISTORY
An mkstr utility appeared in 3.0BSD. BUGS
The mkstr utility was intended for the limited architecture of the PDP 11 family. Very few programs actually use it. The memory savings are negligible in modern computers. BSD
November 1, 2002 BSD
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