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dis(1) [osf1 man page]

dis(1)							      General Commands Manual							    dis(1)

dis - Disassemble an object file SYNOPSIS
dis [-V] [-h] [-d] [-S] [-Idirectory] [-p procedure] [-s section-name] file... STANDARDS
Interfaces documented on this reference page conform to industry standards as follows: dis: XCU5.0 Refer to the standards(5) reference page for more information about industry standards and associated tags. OPTIONS
Displays the version of the dis command. Prints general register names instead of software register names. Generates output suitable for comparing with diff(1). The source address and binary instruction data are omitted. Causes the source code to be listed. Otherwise, only instructions are listed. Specifies a path to be prefixed to the name of the source file when attempting to locate the source file for use with the -S option. Disassembles only the specified procedure from the object file. Specifies the section to be disassembled. If -s is not specified, the section is disassembled. DESCRIPTION
The dis command disassembles object files into machine instructions. Please note that assembler code and machine code can differ on this machine. A file can be an object or an archive. NOTES
The dis utility is marked LEGACY in XCU Issue 5. SEE ALSO
Assembly Language Programmer's Guide dis(1)

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dis(1)																	    dis(1)

dis - object code disassembler SYNOPSIS
/usr/ccs/bin/dis [-C] [-o] [-V] [-L] [-d sec] [-D sec] [-F function] [-l string] [-t sec] file... The dis command produces an assembly language listing of file, which can be an object file or an archive of object files. The listing includes assembly statements and an octal or hexadecimal representation of the binary that produced those statements. Options are interpreted by the disassembler and can be specified in any order. The following options are supported: -C Displays demangled C++ symbol names in the disassembly. -d sec Disassembles the named section as data, printing the offset of the data from the beginning of the section. -D sec Disassembles the named section as data, printing the actual address of the data. -F function Disassembles only the named function in each object file specified on the command line. The -F option can be specified mul- tiple times on the command line. -l string Disassembles the archive file specified by string. For example, one would issue the command dis -l x -l z to disassemble libx.a and libz.a, which are assumed to be in LIBDIR. -L Invokes a lookup of C-language source labels in the symbol table for subsequent writing to standard output. -o Prints numbers in octal. The default is hexadecimal. -t sec Disassembles the named section as text. -V Prints, on standard error, the version number of the disassembler being executed. If the -d, -D, or -t options are specified, only those named sections from each user-supplied file is disassembled. Otherwise, all sections containing text is disassembled. On output, a number enclosed in brackets at the beginning of a line, such as [5], indicates that the break-pointable line number starts with the following instruction. These line numbers is printed only if the file was compiled with additional debugging information, for example, the -g option of cc(1B). An expression such as <40> in the operand field or in the symbolic disassembly, following a relative dis- placement for control transfer instructions, is the computed address within the section to which control is transferred. A function name appears in the first column, followed by () if the object file contains a symbol table. The following operand is supported: file A path name of an object file or an archive (see ar(1)) of object files. See environ(5) for descriptions of the following environment variables that affect the execution of dis: LC_CTYPE, LC_MESSAGES, and NLSPATH. LIBDIR If this environment variable contains a value, use this as the path to search for the library. If the variable contains a null value, or is not set, it defaults to searching for the library under /usr/lib. The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. >0 An error occurred. /usr/lib default LIBDIR See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWbtool | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |See below. | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ The human readable output is Unstable. The command line options are Evolving. ar(1), as(1), cc(1B), ld(1), a.out(4), attributes(5), environ(5) The self-explanatory diagnostics indicate errors in the command line or problems encountered with the specified files. 23 Jun 2005 dis(1)
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