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debpkg(1) [osf1 man page]

DEBPKG(1)						      General Commands Manual							 DEBPKG(1)

debpkg - wrapper for dpkg SYNOPSIS
debpkg dpkg-options DESCRIPTION
debpkg simply invokes dpkg(1) but first becomes superuser so that dpkg is able to install and remove packages. It also cleans the environ- ment and resets PATH to a sane default: "/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11" so that local versions of programs are not run by accident. REQUIREMENTS
debpkg must be given superuser privileges in some way to function properly. Access to debpkg with those privileges is the same as having superuser access to your machine. debpkg will abort if it finds that it neither being run by root nor setuid root. The devscripts package has been designed to allow debpkg to be made setuid root. This works by using a compiled wrapper script, which means that suidperl is not required. See dpkg-statoverride(8) if you wish to make this program setuid root. sudo or super could also con- ceivably be used. AUTHOR
Christoph Lameter <>; minor modifications made by Julian Gilbey <>. DEBIAN
Debian Utilities DEBPKG(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

CVS-DEBI(1)						      General Commands Manual						       CVS-DEBI(1)

cvs-debi - install cvs-buildpackage/cvs-debuild generated package SYNOPSIS
cvs-debi [options] [package ...] DESCRIPTION
cvs-debi is run from the CVS working directory after cvs-buildpackage or cvs-debuild. It uses the cvs-buildpackage system to locate the .changes file generated in that run. It then runs debpkg -i on every .deb archive listed in the .changes file to install them, assuming that all of the .deb archives live in the same directory as the .changes file. Note that you probably don't want to run this program on a .changes file relating to a different architecture after cross-compiling the package! If a list of packages is given on the command line, then only those debs with names in this list of packages will be installed. Note that unlike cvs-buildpackage, the only way to specify the source package name is with the -P option; you cannot simply have it as the last command-line parameter. Since installing a package requires root privileges, debi calls debpkg rather than dpkg directly. Thus debi will only be useful if it is either being run as root or debpkg can be run as root. See debpkg(1) for more details. OPTIONS
All current cvs-buildpackage options are silently accepted; however, only the ones listed below have any effect. For more details on all of them, see the cvs-buildpackage(1) manpage. -adebian-architecture, -tGNU-system-type See dpkg-architecture(1) for a description of these options. They affect the search for the .changes file. They are provided to mimic the behaviour of dpkg-buildpackage when determining the name of the .changes file. -Mmodule The name of the CVS module. -Ppackage The name of the package. -Vversion The version number of the package. -Ttag The CVS tag to use for exporting sources. -Rroot directory Root of the original sources archive. -Wwork directory The full path name for the cvs-buildpackage working directory. -xprefix This option provides the CVS default module prefix. --help, --version Show help message and version information respectively. SEE ALSO
cvs-buildpackage(1), cvs-debc(1) cvs-debuild(1) and debi(1). AUTHOR
cvs-buildpackage was written by Manoj Srivastava, and the current version of debi was written by Julian Gilbey <>. They have been combined into this program by Julian Gilbey. DEBIAN
Debian Utilities CVS-DEBI(1)
Man Page

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