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cdxar(1) [osf1 man page]

cdxar(1)						      General Commands Manual							  cdxar(1)

cdxar - Read the Extended Attribute Record from a CD-ROM SYNOPSIS
/usr/bin/cdxar [-s number] [-b] file OPTIONS
Specifies the File Section for which the XAR is to be read. The numbering starts with one and number can be any whole number. If this option is not used, the last file section of the named file is assumed. Copies the entire XAR from a CD-ROM in binary format to standard output. Names a file or directory within the CD-ROM file hierarchy of a mounted CD-ROM File System. DESCRIPTION
The cdxar command accesses the Extended Attribute Record (XAR) associated with the File Section of a file or directory and lists its con- tents on standard output. The output is formatted in a table that contains the name of each field of the XAR and the corresponding contents of the entry as recorded on the CD-ROM. Note that the Application Use Field and the Escape Sequences are not listed because they may contain non-printable charac- ters. If the command is used without the -b option, only the fixed part of the XAR is copied from the CD-ROM. Users must have read permission for file in order to execute the command. EXIT STATUS
The following exit values are returned: The command was successful. The named file was not found, or was not within the CD-ROM hierarchy, or access permission was denied. The File Section indicated by -s does not exist. The File Section indicated by -s has no XAR. The File Section indicated by -s is not on the mounted CD-ROM. SEE ALSO
Functions: cd_cxar(3), cd_xar(3) cdxar(1)

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cd_xar(3)						     Library Functions Manual							 cd_xar(3)

cd_xar, cd_cxar - Reads the Extended Attribute Record for a CD-ROM file or directory from the CD-ROM LIBRARY
Rock Ridge and X/Open Extensions to the CDFS library (, libcdrom.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/cdrom.h> int cd_xar ( char *path, int fsec, struct iso9660_xar *xar, int applen, int esclen ); int cd_cxar ( char *path, int fsec, char *addr, int xarlen ); PARAMETERS
Points to the file or directory within the CD-ROM File System hierarchy. Specifies the File Section of the file or directory pointed to by *path, with the numbering beginning at one. If fsec is set to -1, the last File Section of the named file or the only File Section of the named directory is assumed. Points to the iso9660_xar structure that holds the Extended Attribute Record (XAR) information. The iso9660_xar structure is defined in cdfs/xcdr.h, an include file that is called into sys/cdrom.h Used in conjunction with esclen, determines how many bytes will be copied to the address specified by the *xar structure member app_use. Used in conjunction with applen, determines how many bytes will be copied to the address specified by the *xar structure member esc_seq. Specifies the address where the function cd_cxar copies the XAR that is recorded on the CD-ROM. Determines if part or all of the XAR will be read. DESCRIPTION
The cd_xar routine fills the *xar structure with the contents of the Extended Attribute Record (XAR) that is associated with the file or directory pointed to by *path. The total number of logical blocks of an XAR can be obtained by calling the cd_drec function. The Logical Block Size in bytes can be obtained by calling the cd_pvd function. The length of the fixed part of the XAR is given by {CD_XARFIXL}. The variable {CD_XARFIXL} is defined in cdfs/xcdr.h, an include file that is called into sys/cdrom.h. The cd_cxar function copies the XAR as recorded on the CD-ROM to the address pointed to by *addr. RETURN VALUES
If successful, the routines return the following values: The cd_xar function returns the number of bytes copied for the variable part of the XAR. The cd_cxar function returns the number of bytes copied. If unsuccessful, the integer -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
The function will fail if: Search permission is denied for a directory in *path or read permission is denied for the file or directory pointed to by *path. The address of *path or *addr is invalid. A signal was caught during execution of the function. The argument *path points to a file or directory that is not within the CD-ROM file hierarchy. The value of fsec or xarlen is invalid. {OPEN_MAX} file descriptors are currently open in the calling process. [Tru64 UNIX] Either the OPEN_MAX value or the per-process soft descriptor limit is checked. The length of the *path string exceeds {PATH_MAX}, or a pathname component is longer than {NAME_MAX} while {_POSIX_NO_TRUNC} is in effect. The system file table is full. The Volume containing the File Section indicated by fsec is not mounted. A component of *path does not exist, or the *path argument points to an empty string. The File Section indicated by fsec has no XAR. A component of the *path prefix is not a directory. The CD-ROM is not in the drive, or a read error occurred. RELATED INFORMATION
Files: cdfs/xcdr.h, sys/cdrom.h. Functions: cd_drec(3) delim off cd_xar(3)
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