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copyout(9) [opendarwin man page]

COPY(9) 						   BSD Kernel Developer's Manual						   COPY(9)

copy, copyin, copyout, copystr, copyinstr -- kernel copy functions SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/systm.h> int copyin(const void *uaddr, void *kaddr, size_t len); int copyout(const void *kaddr, void *uaddr, size_t len); int copystr(const void *kfaddr, void *kdaddr, size_t len, size_t *done); int copyinstr(const void *uaddr, void *kaddr, size_t len, size_t *done); DESCRIPTION
The copy functions are designed to copy contiguous data from one address to another. All but copystr() copy data from user-space to kernel- space or vice-versa. The copy routines provide the following functionality: copyin() Copies len bytes of data from the user-space address uaddr to the kernel-space address kaddr. copyout() Copies len bytes of data from the kernel-space address kaddr to the user-space address uaddr. copystr() Copies a NUL-terminated string, at most len bytes long, from kernel-space address kfaddr to kernel-space address kdaddr. The number of bytes actually copied, including the terminating NUL, is returned in *done (if done is non-NULL). copyinstr() Copies a NUL-terminated string, at most len bytes long, from user-space address uaddr to kernel-space address kaddr. The num- ber of bytes actually copied, including the terminating NUL, is returned in *done (if done is non-NULL). RETURN VALUES
The copy functions return 0 on success or EFAULT if a bad address is encountered. In addition, the copystr(), and copyinstr() functions return ENAMETOOLONG if the string is longer than len bytes. SEE ALSO
fetch(9), store(9) BSD
January 7, 1996 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

COPY(9) 						   BSD Kernel Developer's Manual						   COPY(9)

copy, copyin, copyout, copystr, copyinstr -- kernel copy functions SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/systm.h> int copyin(const void *uaddr, void *kaddr, size_t len); int copyout(const void *kaddr, void *uaddr, size_t len); int copystr(const void *kfaddr, void *kdaddr, size_t len, size_t *done); int copyinstr(const void *uaddr, void *kaddr, size_t len, size_t *done); DESCRIPTION
The copy functions are designed to copy contiguous data from one address to another. All but copystr() copy data from user-space to kernel- space or vice-versa. The copy routines provide the following functionality: copyin() Copies len bytes of data from the user-space address uaddr to the kernel-space address kaddr. copyout() Copies len bytes of data from the kernel-space address kaddr to the user-space address uaddr. copystr() Copies a NUL-terminated string, at most len bytes long, from kernel-space address kfaddr to kernel-space address kdaddr. The number of bytes actually copied, including the terminating NUL, is returned in *done (if done is non-NULL). copyinstr() Copies a NUL-terminated string, at most len bytes long, from user-space address uaddr to kernel-space address kaddr. The num- ber of bytes actually copied, including the terminating NUL, is returned in *done (if done is non-NULL). RETURN VALUES
The copy functions return 0 on success or EFAULT if a bad address is encountered. In addition, the copystr(), and copyinstr() functions return ENAMETOOLONG if the string is longer than len bytes. SEE ALSO
fetch(9), store(9) BSD
January 7, 1996 BSD
Man Page

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