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YPXFR(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						  YPXFR(8)

ypxfr -- get a YP map from YP server SYNOPSIS
ypxfr [-bcf] [-d domain] [-h host] [-s domain] [-C tid prog ipadd port] mapname DESCRIPTION
ypxfr is the utiliy in YP that transfers maps to the local host. Since the YP master transfers a map when it has changed, an YP slave should check for missed maps regulary. This can be done via an entry in crontab(5). The scripts ypxfr_1perhour, ypxfr_2perday and ypxfr_1perday could be used for that. The options are as follows: -b Preserve the entry in the database informing a YP server to use DNS to get information about unknown hosts. This option will only have effect on the two maps hosts.byname and hosts.byaddr. -c Don't send a "Clear current map" to local ypserv process. Useful if ypserv isn't running localy to avoid timeout message. -f Force map transfer, even if version of master is older than local copy. -d domain Don't use default domain, use the specifiyed domain. -h host Get map from host insteed of the maps master host. -s domain Specify a source domain other than the target domain. -C tid prog ipadd port This option is only used by ypserv. This is to open communication with an yppush on another host. FILES
/usr/sbin/ypxfr_1perhour /usr/sbin/ypxfr_2perday /usr/sbin/ypxfr_1perday SEE ALSO
yp(8), yppush(8), ypserv(8) AUTHOR
Mats O Jansson <> BSD
August 18, 1994 BSD

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ypxfr(1M)                                                 System Administration Commands                                                 ypxfr(1M)

ypxfr, ypxfr_1perday, ypxfr_1perhour, ypxfr_2perday - transfer NIS map from a NIS server to host SYNOPSIS
/usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypxfr [-c] [-f] [ -C tid prog server] [-d ypdomain] [-h host] [-s ypdomain] mapname DESCRIPTION
The ypxfr command moves an NIS map in the default domain for the local host to the local host by making use of normal NIS services. It creates a temporary map in the directory /var/yp/ypdomain (this directory must already exist; ypdomain is the default domain for the local host), fills it by enumerating the map's entries, fetches the map parameters (master and order number), and loads them. It then deletes any old versions of the map and moves the temporary map to the real name. If run interactively, ypxfr writes its output to the terminal. However, if it is started without a controlling terminal, and if the log file /var/yp/ypxfr.log exists, it appends all its output to that file. Since ypxfr is most often run from the privileged user's crontab file, or by ypserv, the log file can retain a record of what was attempted, and what the results were. For consistency between servers, ypxfr should be run periodically for every map in the NIS data base. Different maps change at different rates: a map might not change for months at a time, for instance, and can therefore be checked only once a day. Some maps might change sev- eral times per day. In such a case, you might want to check hourly for updates. A crontab(1) entry can be used to automatically perform periodic updates. Rather than having a separate crontab entry for each map, you can group commands to update several maps in a shell script. Examples (mnemonically named) are in /usr/sbin/yp: ypxfr_1perday, ypxfr_2perday, and ypxfr_1perhour. Refer to ypfiles(4) for an overview of the NIS name service. OPTIONS
-c Do not send a "Clear current map" request to the local ypserv process. Use this flag if ypserv is not running locally at the time you are running ypxfr. Otherwise, ypxfr complains that it cannot communicate with the local ypserv, and the transfer fails. -f Force the transfer to occur even if the version at the master is not more recent than the local version. -C tid prog server This option is for use only by ypserv. When ypserv starts ypxfr, it specifies that ypxfr should call back a yppush process at the host server, registered as program number prog, and waiting for a response to transaction tid. -d ypdomain Specify a domain other than the default domain. -h host Get the map from host, regardless of the master. If host is not specified, ypxfr asks the NIS service for the name of the master, and tries to get the map from there. host must be a valid host name. -s ypdomain Specify a source domain from which to transfer a map that should be the same across domains. FILES
/var/yp/ypxfr.log Log file /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypxfr_1perday Script to run one transfer per day, for use with cron(1M) /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypxfr_2perday Script to run two transfer per day, for use with cron(1M) /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypxfr_1perhour Script for hourly transfers of volatile maps /var/yp/ypdomain NIS domain /usr/spool/cron/crontabs/root Privileged user's crontab file ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: ypxfr Only +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWnisu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ ypxfr_1perday, ypxfr_1perhour, and ypxfr_2perday +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWypu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
crontab(1), cron(1M), ypinit(1M), yppush(1M), ypserv(1M), ypfiles(4), attributes(5) SunOS 5.10 11 Mar 1998 ypxfr(1M)
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