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tc-tcindex(8) [opendarwin man page]

Traffic control index filter(8) 				       Linux					   Traffic control index filter(8)

tcindex - traffic control index filter SYNOPSIS
tc filter ... tcindex [ hash SIZE ] [ mask MASK ] [ shift SHIFT ] [ pass_on | fall_through ] [ classid CLASSID ] [ action ACTION_SPEC ] DESCRIPTION
This filter allows to match packets based on their tcindex field value, i.e. the combination of the DSCP and ECN fields as present in IPv4 and IPv6 headers. OPTIONS
action ACTION_SPEC Apply an action from the generic actions framework on matching packets. classid CLASSID Push matching packets into the class identified by CLASSID. hash SIZE Hash table size in entries to use. Defaults to 64. mask MASK An optional bitmask to binary AND to the packet's tcindex field before use. shift SHIFT The number of bits to right-shift a packet's tcindex value before use. If a mask has been set, masking is done before shifting. pass_on If this flag is set, failure to find a class for the resulting ID will make the filter fail and lead to the next filter being con- sulted. fall_through This is the opposite of pass_on and the default. The filter will classify the packet even if there is no class present for the resulting class ID. SEE ALSO
tc(8) iproute2 21 Oct 2015 Traffic control index filter(8)

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Traffic control index filter(8) 				       Linux					   Traffic control index filter(8)

tcindex - traffic control index filter SYNOPSIS
tc filter ... tcindex [ hash SIZE ] [ mask MASK ] [ shift SHIFT ] [ pass_on | fall_through ] [ classid CLASSID ] [ action ACTION_SPEC ] DESCRIPTION
This filter allows to match packets based on their tcindex field value, i.e. the combination of the DSCP and ECN fields as present in IPv4 and IPv6 headers. OPTIONS
action ACTION_SPEC Apply an action from the generic actions framework on matching packets. classid CLASSID Push matching packets into the class identified by CLASSID. hash SIZE Hash table size in entries to use. Defaults to 64. mask MASK An optional bitmask to binary AND to the packet's tcindex field before use. shift SHIFT The number of bits to right-shift a packet's tcindex value before use. If a mask has been set, masking is done before shifting. pass_on If this flag is set, failure to find a class for the resulting ID will make the filter fail and lead to the next filter being con- sulted. fall_through This is the opposite of pass_on and the default. The filter will classify the packet even if there is no class present for the resulting class ID. SEE ALSO
tc(8) iproute2 21 Oct 2015 Traffic control index filter(8)
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