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ioreg(8) [opendarwin man page]

IOREG(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						  IOREG(8)

ioreg -- show I/O Kit registry SYNOPSIS
ioreg [-b] [[-c class] [-l] [-n name]] [-p plane] [-s] [-S] [-w width] [-x] DESCRIPTION
ioreg displays the I/O Kit registry. The use of the -c, -l, or -n options cause ioreg to show the properties of objects matching the speci- fied criteria. By default, ioreg does not show the properties of an object. The options are as follows: -b Show the object name in bold. -c Show the object properties only if the object is, or derives from, the specified class. -l Show the object properties. -n Show the object properties only if the object has the specified name. -p Traverse the registry over the specified plane. The default plane value is ``IOService''. The other planes, such as ``IODeviceTree'', can be found under the ``IORegistryPlanes'' property of the root object (ioreg -n Root). -s Show the object state (busy state, retain count). This is the default. -S Don't show the object state (busy state, retain count). -w Clip the output to the specified line width. The default width value is the current screen size. A value of 0 specifies an unlimited line width. -x Print numeric property values in hexadecimal. Darwin January 1, 2000 Darwin
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