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bestuferrups(8) [opendarwin man page]

BESTUFERRUPS(8) 						    NUT Manual							   BESTUFERRUPS(8)

bestuferrups - Driver for Best Power Micro-Ferrups NOTE
This man page only documents the hardware-specific features of the bestuferrups driver. For information about the core driver, see nutupsdrv(8). SUPPORTED HARDWARE
Best Power Micro-Ferrups ME3100, probably other similar models too. EXTRA ARGUMENTS
This driver does not support any extra settings in the ups.conf(5). AUTHORS
Andreas Wrede, John Stone (bestuferrups) Grant Taylor (bestfort) Russell Kroll (bestups) SEE ALSO
The core driver: nutupsdrv(8) Internet resources: The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page: Network UPS Tools 05/21/2012 BESTUFERRUPS(8)

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BESTUPS(8)						      Network UPS Tools (NUT)							BESTUPS(8)

bestups - Driver for Best Power / SOLA (Phoenixtec protocol) UPS equipment NOTE
This man page only documents the hardware-specific features of the bestups driver. For information about the core driver, see nutups- drv(8). SUPPORTED HARDWARE
bestups was designed to monitor Best Power UPS hardware like the Fortress, Fortress Telecom, and Patriot Pro. It also recognizes and sup- ports SOLA units such as the 520 and 620. Other UPS hardware using the Phoenixtec protocol should also work, but they will generate a warning since their battery information is not known. This driver does not support some older Best/SOLA units. Try the bestfort driver if this one does not detect your UPS. EXTRA ARGUMENTS
This driver does not support any extra settings in the ups.conf(5). BUGS
The battery percentage is derived from the voltage data that the UPS returns, since the UPS doesn't return that value directly. On some hardware, the charge will remain at 100% for a long time and then drops quickly shortly before the battery runs out. You can confirm from the BATTVOLT readings that this is a problem with the UPS and not this driver. Similarly, the float from the charger in some models forces the battery charge percentage back up to 100% immedately after the UPS goes back on-line, so you can't tell when it is really recharged. Finally, some models give one value for the battery's nominal voltage and yet actually have a nominal voltage slightly below that. This leads to things such as the perpetual 98.7% charge on the author's Fortress 750, even when it's been charging for weeks. AUTHOR
Russell Kroll SEE ALSO
The core driver: nutupsdrv(8) Internet resources: The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page: NUT mailing list archives and information: Tue Jul 30 2002 BESTUPS(8)
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