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x_dialtest(6) [opendarwin man page]

x_dialtest(6)							  Games and Demos						     x_dialtest(6)

x_dialtest - Xview demonstration and test program for SunDials SYNOPSIS
/usr/demo/DIALBOX/x_dialtest DESCRIPTION
x_dialtest is an Xview application that displays a window with eight dials, corresponding to the dials on the SunDials dialbox. To deter- mine if the dialbox has been set up correctly, turn a dial on the dialbox. If the dialbox is functional and correctly interfaced, turning a dial by hand will make the corresponding dial in the window turn a similar amount. The dials do not have any notion of absolute angular position. It is changes in current angular position that are sent to the host applica- tion. Thus there is no notion of resetting the position of the dials on the dialbox hardware. The Diagnostic button on the panel is a demo mode of the x_dialtest program. The pointer of each of the dials in the window is rotated one full circle and then disappears in turn. When all eight dials have been rotated, the display dial pointers are reset to their previous rotational positions. The only diagnostic done on the dialbox is a firmware self check. If this self check passes, then "OK." is sent to the standard output of the demo program. The Ram Dump button on the panel arranges to place some firmware data into the file ram_dump.dat in the current directory. It is intended for factory diagnostics use and is not publicly documented further. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Architecture |SPARC | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
bdconfig(1M), attributes(5), x_buttontest(6), bd(7M), streamio(7I) SunOS 5.10 1 Jan 1997 x_dialtest(6)

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x_dialtest(6)							  Games and Demos						     x_dialtest(6)

x_dialtest - Xview demonstration and test program for SunDials SYNOPSIS
/usr/demo/DIALBOX/x_dialtest DESCRIPTION
x_dialtest is an Xview application that displays a window with eight dials, corresponding to the dials on the SunDials dialbox. To deter- mine if the dialbox has been set up correctly, turn a dial on the dialbox. If the dialbox is functional and correctly interfaced, turning a dial by hand will make the corresponding dial in the window turn a similar amount. The dials do not have any notion of absolute angular position. It is changes in current angular position that are sent to the host applica- tion. Thus there is no notion of resetting the position of the dials on the dialbox hardware. The Diagnostic button on the panel is a demo mode of the x_dialtest program. The pointer of each of the dials in the window is rotated one full circle and then disappears in turn. When all eight dials have been rotated, the display dial pointers are reset to their previous rotational positions. The only diagnostic done on the dialbox is a firmware self check. If this self check passes, then "OK." is sent to the standard output of the demo program. The Ram Dump button on the panel arranges to place some firmware data into the file ram_dump.dat in the current directory. It is intended for factory diagnostics use and is not publicly documented further. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Architecture |SPARC | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
bdconfig(1M), attributes(5), x_buttontest(6), bd(7M), streamio(7I) SunOS 5.10 1 Jan 1997 x_dialtest(6)
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