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nis_dir_cmp(3nsl) [opendarwin man page]

nis_subr(3NSL)					       Networking Services Library Functions					    nis_subr(3NSL)

nis_subr, nis_leaf_of, nis_name_of, nis_domain_of, nis_getnames, nis_freenames, nis_dir_cmp, nis_clone_object, nis_destroy_object, nis_print_object - NIS+ subroutines SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lnsl [ library ... ] #include <rpcsvc/nis.h> nis_name nis_leaf_of(const nis_name name); nis_name nis_name_of(const nis_name name); nis_name nis_domain_of(const nis_name name); nis_name *nis_getnames(const nis_name name); void nis_freenames(nis_name *namelist); name_pos nis_dir_cmp(const nis_name n1, const nis_name n2); nis_object *nis_clone_object(const nis_object *src, nis_object *dest); void nis_destroy_object(nis_object *obj); void nis_print_object(const nis_object *obj); DESCRIPTION
These subroutines are provided to assist in the development of NIS+ applications. They provide several useful operations on both NIS+ names and objects. The first group, nis_leaf_of(), nis_domain_of(), and nis_name_of() provide the functions for parsing NIS+ names. nis_leaf_of() will return the first label in an NIS+ name. It takes into account the double quote character `"' which can be used to protect embedded `.' (dot) characters in object names. Note that the name returned will never have a trailing dot character. If passed the global root directory name ".", it will return the null string. nis_domain_of() returns the name of the NIS+ domain in which an object resides. This name will always be a fully qualified NIS+ name and ends with a dot. By iteratively calling nis_leaf_of() and nis_domain_of() it is possible to break a NIS+ name into its individual compo- nents. nis_name_of() is used to extract the unique part of a NIS+ name. This function removes from the tail portion of the name all labels that are in common with the local domain. Thus if a machine were in domain and nis_name_of() were passed a name, then nis_name_of() would return the unique part, bob.friends. If the name passed to this function is not in either the local domain or one of its children, this function will return null. nis_getnames() will return a list of candidate names for the name passed in as name. If this name is not fully qualified, nis_getnames() will generate a list of names using the default NIS+ directory search path, or the environment variable NIS_PATH if it is set. The returned array of pointers is terminated by a null pointer, and the memory associated with this array should be freed by calling nis_freenames() Though nis_dir_cmp() can be used to compare any two NIS+ names, it is used primarily to compare domain names. This comparison is done in a case independent fashion, and the results are an enum of type name_pos. When the names passed to this function are identical, the function returns a value of SAME_NAME. If the name n1 is a direct ancestor of name n2, then this function returns the result HIGHER_NAME. Simi- larly, if the name n1 is a direct descendant of name n2, then this function returns the result LOWER_NAME. When the name n1 is neither a direct ancestor nor a direct descendant of n2, as it would be if the two names were siblings in separate portions of the namespace, then this function returns the result NOT_SEQUENTIAL. Finally, if either name cannot be parsed as a legitimate name then this function returns the value BAD_NAME. The second set of functions, consisting of nis_clone_object() and nis_destroy_object(), are used for manipulating objects. nis_clone_object() creates an exact duplicate of the NIS+ object src. If the value of dest is non-null, it creates the clone of the object into this object structure and allocate the necessary memory for the variable length arrays. If this parameter is null, a pointer to the cloned object is returned. Refer to nis_objects(3NSL) for a description of the nis_object structure. nis_destroy_object() can be used to destroy an object created by nis_clone_object(). This will free up all memory associated with the object and free the pointer passed. If the object was cloned into an array using the dest parameter to nis_clone_object(), then the object cannot be freed with this function. Instead, the function xdr_free(xdr_nis_object, dest) must be used. nis_print_object() prints out the contents of a NIS+ object structure on the standard output. Its primary use is for debugging NIS+ pro- grams. nis_leaf_of(), nis_name_of()and nis_clone_object() return their results as thread-specific data in multithreaded applications. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
NIS_PATH This variable overrides the default NIS+ directory search path used by nis_getnames(). It contains an ordered list of directories separated by ':' (colon) characters. The '$' (dollar sign) character is treated specially. Directory names that end in '$' have the default domain appended to them, and a '$' by itself is replaced by the list of directories between the default domain and the global root that are at least two levels deep. The default NIS+ directory search path is '$'. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
nis_names(3NSL), nis_objects(3NSL), nis_tables(3NSL), attributes(5) NOTES
NIS+ might not be supported in future releases of the SolarisTM Operating Environment. Tools to aid the migration from NIS+ to LDAP are available in the Solaris 9 operating environment. For more information, visit SunOS 5.10 18 Dec 2001 nis_subr(3NSL)
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