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getauevent(3bsm) [opendarwin man page]

getauevent(3BSM)														  getauevent(3BSM)

getauevent, getauevnam, getauevnum, getauevnonam, setauevent, endauevent, getauevent_r, getauevnam_r, getauevnum_r - get audit_event entry SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -lbsm -lsocket -lnsl [ library... ] #include <sys/param.h> #include <bsm/libbsm.h> struct au_event_ent *getauevent(void); struct au_event_ent *getauevnam(char *name); struct au_event_ent *getauevnum(au_event_t event_number); au_event_t *getauevnonam(char *event_name); void setauevent(void); void endauevent(void); struct au_event_ent *getauevent_r(au_event_ent_t *e); struct au_event_ent *getauevnam_r(au_event_ent_t *e, char *name); struct au_event_ent *getauevnum_r(au_event_ent_t *e, au_event_t event_number); These functions document the programming interface for obtaining entries from the audit_event(4) file. The getauevent(), getauevnam(), getauevnum(), getauevent(), getauevnam(), and getauevnum() functions each return a pointer to an audit_event structure. The getauevent() and getauevent_r() functions enumerate audit_event entries. Successive calls to these functions return either successive audit_event entries or NULL. The getauevnam() and getauevnam_r() functions search for an audit_event entry with event_name. The getauevnum() and getauevnum_r() functions search for an audit_event entry with event_number. The getauevnonam() function searches for an audit_event entry with event_name and returns the corresponding event number. The setauevent() function ``rewinds'' to the beginning of the enumeration of audit_event entries. Calls to getauevnam(), getauevnum(), getauevnonum(), getauevnam_r(), or getauevnum_r() can leave the enumeration in an indeterminate state. The setauevent() function should be called before the first call to getauevent() or getauevent_r(). The endauevent() function can be called to indicate that audit_event processing is complete. The system can then close any open audit_event file, deallocate storage, and so forth. The getauevent_r(), getauevnam_r(), and getauevnum_r() functions each take an argument e, which is a pointer to an au_event_ent_t. This pointer is returned on a successful function call. To assure there is enough space for the information returned, the applications program- mer should be sure to allocate AU_EVENT_NAME_MAX and AU_EVENT_DESC_MAX bytes for the ae_name and ac_desc elements of the au_event_ent_t data structure. The internal representation of an audit_event entry is an au_event_ent structure defined in <bsm/libbsm.h> with the following members: au_event_t ae_number char *ae_name; char *ae_desc*; au_class_t ae_class; The getauevent(), getauevnam(), getauevnum(), getauevent_r(), getauevnam_r(), and getauevnum_r() functions return a pointer to a au_event_ent structure if the requested entry is successfully located. Otherwise they return NULL. The getauevnonam() function returns an event number of type au_event_t if it successfully enumerates an entry. Otherwise it returns NULL, indicating it could not find the requested event name. /etc/security/audit_event file that maps audit event numbers to audit event names /etc/passwd file that stores user-ID to username mappings See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |MT-Safe with exceptions | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ The getauevent(), getauevnam(), and getauevnum() functions are Unsafe. The equivalent functions getauevent_r(), getauevnam_r(), and getauevnum_r() provide the same functionality and an MT-Safe function call interface. bsmconv(1M), getauclassent(3BSM), getpwnam(3C), audit_class(4), audit_event(4), passwd(4), attributes(5) All information for the getauevent(), getauevnam(), and getauevnum() functions is contained in a static area, so it must be copied if it is to be saved. The functionality described on this manual page is available only if the Basic Security Module (BSM) has been enabled. See bsmconv(1M) for more information. 31 Mar 2005 getauevent(3BSM)
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