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unload_datafile(3alleg4) [opendarwin man page]

unload_datafile(3alleg4)					  Allegro manual					  unload_datafile(3alleg4)

unload_datafile - Frees all the objects in a datafile. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> void unload_datafile(DATAFILE *dat); DESCRIPTION
Frees all the objects in a datafile. Use this to avoid memory leaks in your program. SEE ALSO
load_datafile(3alleg4), excustom(3alleg4), exdata(3alleg4), exexedat(3alleg4), exgui(3alleg4), exsprite(3alleg4), exunicod(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 unload_datafile(3alleg4)

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load_datafile(3alleg4)						  Allegro manual					    load_datafile(3alleg4)

load_datafile - Loads a datafile into memory. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> DATAFILE *load_datafile(const char *filename); DESCRIPTION
Loads a datafile into memory in one go. If the datafile has been encrypted, you must first call packfile_password() to set the appropriate key. If the datafile contains truecolor graphics, you must set the video mode or call set_color_conversion() before loading it. Example: /* Load the resources for our game. */ DATAFILE *dat = load_datafile("game.dat"); if (!dat) abort_on_error("Couldn't load sound resources!"); /* Use resources. */ ... /* Destroy them when we don't need them any more. */ unload_datafile(dat); RETURN VALUE
Returns a pointer to the DATAFILE, or NULL on error. Remember to free this DATAFILE later to avoid memory leaks. SEE ALSO
load_datafile_callback(3alleg4), unload_datafile(3alleg4), load_datafile_object(3alleg4), set_color_conversion(3alleg4), fixup_datafile(3alleg4), packfile_password(3alleg4), find_datafile_object(3alleg4), register_datafile_object(3alleg4), excustom(3alleg4), exdata(3alleg4), exexedat(3alleg4), exgui(3alleg4), exsprite(3alleg4), exunicod(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 load_datafile(3alleg4)
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