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uinsert(3alleg4) [opendarwin man page]

uinsert(3alleg4)						  Allegro manual						  uinsert(3alleg4)

uinsert - Inserts a character in a string. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> int uinsert(char *s, int index, int c); DESCRIPTION
Inserts the character `c' at the specified `index' in the string, sliding the rest of the data along to make room. If `index' is negative, it counts backward from the end of the string. Example: uinsert(text_string, 0, prefix_letter); RETURN VALUE
Returns the number of bytes by which the trailing part of the string was moved. SEE ALSO
uoffset(3alleg4), ugetat(3alleg4), usetat(3alleg4), uremove(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 uinsert(3alleg4)

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set_uformat(3alleg4)						  Allegro manual					      set_uformat(3alleg4)

set_uformat - Set the global current text encoding format. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> void set_uformat(int type); DESCRIPTION
Sets the current text encoding format. This will affect all parts of Allegro, wherever you see a function that returns a char *, or takes a char * as a parameter. `type' should be one of these values: U_ASCII - fixed size, 8-bit ASCII characters U_ASCII_CP - alternative 8-bit codepage (see set_ucodepage()) U_UNICODE - fixed size, 16-bit Unicode characters U_UTF8 - variable size, UTF-8 format Unicode characters Although you can change the text format on the fly, this is not a good idea. Many strings, for example the names of your hardware drivers and any language translations, are loaded when you call allegro_init(), so if you change the encoding format after this, they will be in the wrong format, and things will not work properly. Generally you should only call set_uformat() once, before allegro_init(), and then leave it on the same setting for the duration of your program. SEE ALSO
get_uformat(3alleg4), register_uformat(3alleg4), set_ucodepage(3alleg4), set_uformat(3alleg4), uconvert(3alleg4), ustrsize(3alleg4), ugetc(3alleg4), ugetx(3alleg4), usetc(3alleg4), uwidth(3alleg4), ucwidth(3alleg4), uisok(3alleg4), uoffset(3alleg4), ugetat(3alleg4), use- tat(3alleg4), uinsert(3alleg4), uremove(3alleg4), allegro_init(3alleg4), exunicod(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 set_uformat(3alleg4)
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