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three_finger_flag(3alleg4) [opendarwin man page]

three_finger_flag(3alleg4)					  Allegro manual					three_finger_flag(3alleg4)

three_finger_flag - Flag to deactivate the emergency exit key combination. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> extern int three_finger_flag; DESCRIPTION
The DJGPP keyboard handler provides an 'emergency exit' sequence which you can use to kill off your program. If you are running under DOS this is the three finger salute, ctrl+alt+del. Most multitasking OS's will trap this combination before it reaches the Allegro handler, in which case you can use the alternative ctrl+alt+end. If you want to disable this behaviour in release versions of your program, set this flag to FALSE. SEE ALSO
install_keyboard(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 three_finger_flag(3alleg4)

Check Out this Related Man Page

install_keyboard(3alleg4)                                         Allegro manual                                         install_keyboard(3alleg4)

install_keyboard - Installs the Allegro keyboard interrupt handler. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> int install_keyboard(); DESCRIPTION
Installs the Allegro keyboard interrupt handler. You must call this before using any of the keyboard input routines. Once you have set up the Allegro handler, you can no longer use operating system calls or C library functions to access the keyboard. Note that on some platforms the keyboard won't work unless you have set a graphics mode, even if this function returns a success value before calling set_gfx_mode. This can happen in environments with graphic windowed modes, since Allegro usually reads the keyboard through the graphical window (which appears after the set_gfx_mode call). Example: allegro_init(); install_timer(); install_keyboard(); /* We are not 100% sure we can read the keyboard yet! */ if (set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, 640, 480, 0, 0) != 0) abort_on_error("Couldn't set graphic mode!"); /* Now we are guaranteed to be able to read the keyboard. */ readkey(); RETURN VALUE
Returns zero on success, or a negative number on failure (but you may decide not to check the return value as this function is very unlikely to fail). SEE ALSO
remove_keyboard(3alleg4), poll_keyboard(3alleg4), key(3alleg4), keypressed(3alleg4), readkey(3alleg4), ureadkey(3alleg4), keyboard_call- back(3alleg4), keyboard_ucallback(3alleg4), keyboard_lowlevel_callback(3alleg4), three_finger_flag(3alleg4), key_led_flag(3alleg4), set_leds(3alleg4), set_keyboard_rate(3alleg4), set_gfx_mode(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 install_keyboard(3alleg4)
Man Page

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