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makecol(3alleg4) [opendarwin man page]

makecol(3alleg4)						  Allegro manual						  makecol(3alleg4)

makecol - Converts an RGB value into the current pixel format. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> int makecol(int r, int g, int b); DESCRIPTION
Converts colors from a hardware independent format (red, green, and blue values ranging 0-255) to the pixel format required by the current video mode, calling the preceding 8, 15, 16, 24, or 32-bit makecol functions as appropriate. Example: /* Regardless of color depth, this will look green. */ int green_color = makecol(0, 255, 0); RETURN VALUE
Returns the requested RGB triplet in the current color depth. SEE ALSO
makeacol(3alleg4), makecol8(3alleg4), makecol_depth(3alleg4), makecol15_dither(3alleg4), rgb_map(3alleg4), set_color_depth(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 makecol(3alleg4)

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makecol(3alleg4)                                                  Allegro manual                                                  makecol(3alleg4)

makecol - Converts an RGB value into the current pixel format. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> int makecol(int r, int g, int b); DESCRIPTION
Converts colors from a hardware independent format (red, green, and blue values ranging 0-255) to the pixel format required by the current video mode, calling the preceding 8, 15, 16, 24, or 32-bit makecol functions as appropriate. Example: /* Regardless of color depth, this will look green. */ int green_color = makecol(0, 255, 0); RETURN VALUE
Returns the requested RGB triplet in the current color depth. SEE ALSO
makeacol(3alleg4), makecol8(3alleg4), makecol_depth(3alleg4), makecol15_dither(3alleg4), rgb_map(3alleg4), set_color_depth(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 makecol(3alleg4)
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