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get_config_text(3alleg4) [opendarwin man page]

get_config_text(3alleg4)					  Allegro manual					  get_config_text(3alleg4)

get_config_text - Returns a string translated to the current language. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> const char *get_config_text(const char *msg); DESCRIPTION
This function is primarily intended for use by internal library code, but it may perhaps be helpful to application programmers as well. It uses the `language.dat' or `XXtext.cfg' files (where XX is a language code) to look up a translated version of the parameter in the cur- rently selected language. This is basically the same thing as calling get_config_string() with `[language]' as the section, `msg' as the variable name, and `msg' as the default value, but it contains some special code to handle Unicode format conversions. The `msg' parameter is always given in ASCII format, but the returned string will be converted into the current text encoding, with memory being allocated as required, so you can assume that this pointer will persist without having to manually allocate storage space for each string. Note that if you are planning on distributing your game on the Unix platform there is a special issue with how to deal with the `lan- guage.dat' file. Read section "Files shared by Allegro" of the chapter "Unix specifics" to learn more about this. RETURN VALUE
Returns a suitable translation if one can be found or a copy of the parameter if nothing else is available. SEE ALSO
get_config_string(3alleg4), reload_config_texts(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 get_config_text(3alleg4)

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get_config_string(3alleg4)					  Allegro manual					get_config_string(3alleg4)

get_config_string - Retrieves a string from the configuration file. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> const char *get_config_string(const char *section, const char *name, const char *def); DESCRIPTION
Retrieves a string variable from the current config file. The section name may be set to NULL to read variables from the root of the file, or used to control which set of parameters (eg. sound or joystick) you are interested in reading. Example: const char *lang = get_config_string("system", "language", "EN"); RETURN VALUE
Returns a pointer to the constant string found in the configuration file. If the named variable cannot be found, or its entry in the con- fig file is empty, the value of `def' is returned. SEE ALSO
set_config_file(3alleg4), set_config_string(3alleg4), get_config_argv(3alleg4), get_config_float(3alleg4), get_config_hex(3alleg4), get_config_int(3alleg4), get_config_id(3alleg4), get_config_text(3alleg4), exconfig(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 get_config_string(3alleg4)
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