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ssl_set_fd(3) [opendarwin man page]

SSL_set_fd(3)							      OpenSSL							     SSL_set_fd(3)

SSL_set_fd - connect the SSL object with a file descriptor SYNOPSIS
#include <openssl/ssl.h> int SSL_set_fd(SSL *ssl, int fd); int SSL_set_rfd(SSL *ssl, int fd); int SSL_set_wfd(SSL *ssl, int fd); DESCRIPTION
SSL_set_fd() sets the file descriptor fd as the input/output facility for the TLS/SSL (encrypted) side of ssl. fd will typically be the socket file descriptor of a network connection. When performing the operation, a socket BIO is automatically created to interface between the ssl and fd. The BIO and hence the SSL engine inherit the behaviour of fd. If fd is non-blocking, the ssl will also have non-blocking behaviour. If there was already a BIO connected to ssl, BIO_free() will be called (for both the reading and writing side, if different). SSL_set_rfd() and SSL_set_wfd() perform the respective action, but only for the read channel or the write channel, which can be set inde- pendently. RETURN VALUES
The following return values can occur: 0 The operation failed. Check the error stack to find out why. 1 The operation succeeded. SEE ALSO
SSL_get_fd(3), SSL_set_bio(3), SSL_connect(3), SSL_accept(3), SSL_shutdown(3), ssl(3) , bio(3) 0.9.7d 2002-04-30 SSL_set_fd(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

SSL_set_fd(3openssl)						      OpenSSL						      SSL_set_fd(3openssl)

SSL_set_fd - connect the SSL object with a file descriptor SYNOPSIS
#include <openssl/ssl.h> int SSL_set_fd(SSL *ssl, int fd); int SSL_set_rfd(SSL *ssl, int fd); int SSL_set_wfd(SSL *ssl, int fd); DESCRIPTION
SSL_set_fd() sets the file descriptor fd as the input/output facility for the TLS/SSL (encrypted) side of ssl. fd will typically be the socket file descriptor of a network connection. When performing the operation, a socket BIO is automatically created to interface between the ssl and fd. The BIO and hence the SSL engine inherit the behaviour of fd. If fd is non-blocking, the ssl will also have non-blocking behaviour. If there was already a BIO connected to ssl, BIO_free() will be called (for both the reading and writing side, if different). SSL_set_rfd() and SSL_set_wfd() perform the respective action, but only for the read channel or the write channel, which can be set inde- pendently. RETURN VALUES
The following return values can occur: 0 The operation failed. Check the error stack to find out why. 1 The operation succeeded. SEE ALSO
SSL_get_fd(3), SSL_set_bio(3), SSL_connect(3), SSL_accept(3), SSL_shutdown(3), ssl(3) , bio(3) OpenSSL-0.9.8 Oct 11 2005 SSL_set_fd(3openssl)
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