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nsobjectfileimage(3) [opendarwin man page]

NSObjectFileImage(3)					     Library Functions Manual					      NSObjectFileImage(3)

NSObjectFileImage - programmatic interface for working with Mach-O files SYNOPSIS
#include <mach-o/dyld.h> extern NSObjectFileImageReturnCode NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile( const char *pathName, NSObjectFileImage *objectFileImage); extern NSObjectFileImageReturnCode NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory( void *address, unsigned long size, NSObjectFileImage *objectFileImage); extern NSObjectFileImageReturnCode NSCreateCoreFileImageFromFile( const char *pathName, NSObjectFileImage *objectFileImage); extern enum DYLD_BOOL NSDestroyObjectFileImage( NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage); extern unsigned long NSSymbolDefinitionCountInObjectFileImage( NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage); extern const char * NSSymbolDefinitionNameInObjectFileImage( NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage, unsigned long ordinal); extern unsigned long NSSymbolReferenceCountInObjectFileImage( NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage); extern const char * NSSymbolReferenceNameInObjectFileImage( NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage, unsigned long ordinal, enum DYLD_BOOL *tentative_definition); /* can be NULL */ extern enum DYLD_BOOL NSIsSymbolDefinedInObjectFileImage( NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage, const char *symbolName); extern void * NSGetSectionDataInObjectFileImage( NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage, const char *segmentName, const char *sectionName, unsigned long* size); /* can be NULL */ extern enum DYLD_BOOL NSHasModInitObjectFileImage( NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage); DESCRIPTION
These routines are the programmatic interface for working with Mach-O files. They bring the Mach-O file into memory and the API allows the file to be inspected or loaded into the program. On creation of an object file image it is checked to insure it is a valid format and it is compatible with the host machine's cpu architecture. NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile takes the parameter pathName as the path name to the file name in the file system and creates and returns an NSObjectFileImage. Currently only MH_BUNDLE files can be used with NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile which can then be loaded into the program using NSLinkModule(3). If the file is valid an NSObjectFileImage is returned and the return code is NSObjectFileImageSuccess. NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory does the same as NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile but takes two parameters address and size for the Mach-O file that is in memory. NSCreateCoreFileImageFromFile takes the parameter pathName as the path name to a core file in the file system and creates and returns an NSObjectFileImage. This NSObjectFileImage can then can be loaded into a task with _dyld_debug_task_from_core(3) to determine what libraries were loaded and which modules were linked. NSSymbolDefinitionCountInObjectFileImage returns the number of symbol definitions in the NSObjectFileImage. NSSymbolDefinitionNameInObjectFileImage returns the name of the i'th symbol definitions in the NSObjectFileImage. The 'C' string returned should not be freed. If the ordinal specified is outside the range [0..NSSymbolDefinitionCountInObjectFileImage], NULL will be returned. NSSymbolReferenceCountInObjectFileImage returns the number of references to undefined symbols the NSObjectFileImage. NSSymbolReferenceNameInObjectFileImage returns the name of the i'th undefined symbol in the NSObjectFileImage. The 'C' string returned should not be freed. If the ordinal specified is outside the range [0..NSSymbolReferenceCountInObjectFileImage], NULL will be returned. NSIsSymbolDefinedInObjectFileImage returns TRUE if the specified symbol name has a definition in the NSObjectFileImage. NSGetSectionDataInObjectFileImage returns the address of the data for the named section in the named segment in the NSObjectFileImage. If the parameter size is not NULL, the size of the section is returned in size. If the section cannot be found or a zerofill section, NULL is returned and the size returned is zero. NSHasModInitObjectFileImage returns TRUE if the NSObjectFileImage has any module initialization routines and FALSE otherwise. RETURN CODES
The API's that create NSObjectFileImage's return an NSObjectFileImageReturnCode with the following possible values: NSObjectFileImageSuccess Indicates the API was successful and it returned a valid NSObjectFileImage for the host machine's cpu architecture. NSObjectFileImageFailure Indicates the API failed and no NSObjectFileImage was returned. If this is returned an error message is printed on stderr as to the reason for the failure. NSObjectFileImageInappropriateFile Indicates the API failed because the file passed to it was not an appropriate type of object file. NSObjectFileImageArch Indicates the API failed because the host machine's cpu architecture could not be found in the file. NSObjectFileImageFormat Indicates the API failed because the Mach-O format was malformed. If this is returned an error message is printed on stderr as to the format error. NSObjectFileImageAccess Indicates the API failed because the file could not be accessed. ALSO SEE
NSModule(3), dyld(3) Apple Computer, Inc. March 14, 2003 NSObjectFileImage(3)
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