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ldap_delete(3) [opendarwin man page]

LDAP_DELETE(3)						     Library Functions Manual						    LDAP_DELETE(3)

ldap_delete, ldap_delete_s - Perform an LDAP delete operation LIBRARY
OpenLDAP LDAP (libldap, -lldap) SYNOPSIS
#include <ldap.h> int ldap_delete_s(ld, dn) LDAP *ld; char *dn; int ldap_delete(ld, dn) LDAP *ld; char *dn; DESCRIPTION
The ldap_delete_s() routine is used to perform an LDAP delete operation synchronously. It takes dn, the DN of the entry to be deleted. It returns an LDAP error code, indicating the success or failure of the operation. The ldap_delete() routine is used to perform an LDAP delete operation asynchronously. It takes the same parameters as ldap_delete_s(), but returns the message id of the request it initiated. The result of the delete can be obtained by a subsequent call to ldap_result(3). ERRORS
ldap_delete_s() returns an LDAP error code which can be interpreted by calling one of ldap_perror(3) and friends. ldap_delete() returns -1 if something went wrong initiating the request. It returns the non-negative message id of the request if things went ok. SEE ALSO
ldap(3), ldap_error(3) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
OpenLDAP is developed and maintained by The OpenLDAP Project ( OpenLDAP is derived from University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release. OpenLDAP 2.1.X RELEASEDATE LDAP_DELETE(3)

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LDAP_DELETE(3)						     Library Functions Manual						    LDAP_DELETE(3)

ldap_delete, ldap_delete_s, ldap_delete_ext, ldap_delete_ext_s - Perform an LDAP delete operation. LIBRARY
OpenLDAP LDAP (libldap, -lldap) SYNOPSIS
#include <ldap.h> int ldap_delete_s(ld, dn) LDAP *ld; char *dn; int ldap_delete(ld, dn) LDAP *ld; char *dn; int ldap_delete_ext(ld, dn, serverctrls, clientctrls, msgidp) LDAP *ld; char *dn; LDAPControl **serverctrls, **clientctrls; int *msgidp; int ldap_delete_ext_s(ld, dn, serverctrls, clientctrls) LDAP *ld; char *dn; LDAPControl **serverctrls, **clientctrls; DESCRIPTION
The ldap_delete_s() routine is used to perform an LDAP delete operation synchronously. It takes dn, the DN of the entry to be deleted. It returns an LDAP error code, indicating the success or failure of the operation. The ldap_delete() routine is used to perform an LDAP delete operation asynchronously. It takes the same parameters as ldap_delete_s(), but returns the message id of the request it initiated. The result of the delete can be obtained by a subsequent call to ldap_result(3). The ldap_delete_ext() routine allows server and client controls to be specified to extend the delete request. This routine is asynchro- nous like ldap_delete(), but its return value is an LDAP error code. It stores the message id of the request in the integer pointed to by msgidp. The ldap_delete_ext_s() routine is the synchronous version of ldap_delete_ext(). It also returns an LDAP error code indicating success or failure of the operation. ERRORS
ldap_delete_s() returns an LDAP error code which can be interpreted by calling one of ldap_perror(3) and friends. ldap_delete() returns -1 if something went wrong initiating the request. It returns the non-negative message id of the request if things went ok. ldap_delete_ext() and ldap_delete_ext_s() return some Non-zero value if something went wrong initiating the request, else return 0. SEE ALSO
ldap(3), ldap_error(3) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
OpenLDAP Software is developed and maintained by The OpenLDAP Project <>. OpenLDAP Software is derived from the University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release. OpenLDAP 2017/06/01 LDAP_DELETE(3)
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