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dmxremovescreen(3) [opendarwin man page]

DMXRemoveScreen(3)					     Library Functions Manual						DMXRemoveScreen(3)

DMXRemoveScreen - detach a back-end screen SYNOPSIS
#include <X11/extensions/dmxext.h> Bool DMXRemoveScreen(Display *dpy, int screen); DESCRIPTION
DMXRemoveScreen() detaches the back-end screen from the Xdmx(1) server. RETURN VALUE
DMXRemoveScreen() returns True on success, and False if there were protocol errors, if the -addremovescreens command-line option was not specified on the Xdmx(1) command line, if the value of screen is out of range, or if the back-end screen specified by screen has already been detached. SEE ALSO
DMXAddScreen(3), DMX(3), Xdmx(1) X Version 11 libdmx 1.1.2 DMXRemoveScreen(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

DMXAddScreen(3) 					     Library Functions Manual						   DMXAddScreen(3)

DMXAddScreen - attach a new back-end screen SYNOPSIS
#include <X11/extensions/dmxext.h> Bool DMXAddScreen(Display *dpy, const char *displayName, unsigned int mask, DMXScreenAttributes *attr, int *screen); DESCRIPTION
DMXAddScreen() attaches a back-end screen to the Xdmx(1) server, in place of the previously detached back-end server specified by screen. displayName is the name of the new back-end display, mask specifies the field in attr that are active, and screen returns the new Xdmx(1) screen number for the attached screen. The information stored in mask and attr is identical to that used by the DMXChangeScreensAttributes(3) and DMXGetScreenAttributes(3) functions. RETURN VALUE
DMXAddScreen() will return True if the screen was successfully attached, and False otherwise. False will be returned if the -addremove- screens command line option was not specified on the Xdmx(1) command line, the input value of screen is out of range, screen is not cur- rently detached, displayName cannot be opened, has unexpected visuals, or has characteristics that do not match the previously detached screen. DMXAddScreen() can generate BadLength, BadAlloc, and BadValue errors. NOTES
Attributes that are not specified will default to 0. This may lead to unintended results. Unlike other functions in the DMX(3) API, this function uses screen for both input and output. SEE ALSO
DMXRemoveScreen(3), DMXChangeScreensAttributes(3), DMXGetScreenAttributes(3), DMX(3), Xdmx(1) X Version 11 libdmx 1.1.2 DMXAddScreen(3)
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