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addlocap(3) [opendarwin man page]


addlocap - create a logical capacitor ORIGIN
This software belongs to the ALLIANCE CAD SYSTEM developed by the ASIM team at LIP6 laboratory of Universite Pierre et Marie CURIE, in Paris, France. Web : E-mail : SYNOPSYS
#include "mlo.h" locap_list *addlocap(ptfig,type,capa,tcon,bcon,name) lofig_list *ptfig ; char type ; double capa ; losig_list *tcon, *bcon ; const char *name ; PARAMETERS
ptfig Pointer to the figure in which the capacitor should be added type Capacitor type capa Capacitance value in Farads tcon Pointer to the signal to be connected on the capacitor top plate bcon Pointer to the signal to be connected on the capacitor bottom plate name Capacitor instance name DESCRIPTION
addlocap creates a new capacitor, and adds it to the list of capacitors pointed to by ptfig -> LOCAP. The new capacitor is added in front of the list, and becomes itself the list head. The type parameter can take two values : CAPMIM for a metal/metal capacitor (the top plate and the bottom plate layers are different metal layers) CAPPNWELL for a POLY/NWELL capacitor (if available in the technology). The top plate layer is POLY, bottom plate is NWELL. The capa argument is the capacitance value in Farads. Two connectors are created each time a capacitor is added, and the tcon and bcon losigs are attached to the SIG field of the locon of the appropriate connector. The connectors names are tcon (top plate) and bcon (bottom plate); their direction, DIR, are set to 'P', and their TYPE INTERNAL. For details on the structures, see locon(3) and locap(3). RETURN VALUE
addlocap returns a pointer to the newly created capacitor. ERRORS
"*** mbk error *** illegal capacitor type : type" The type is not a legal capacitor type. EXAMPLE
#include "mlo.h" void parallel_capacitors(void) /* netlist of two parallel capacitors */ { lofig_list *pt = NULL ; losig_list *in = NULL ; losig_list *out = NULL ; pt = addlofig("parallel_capacitors") ; addlocon(pt,"in",in = givelosig(pt,0),IN) ; addlocon(pt,"out",out = givelosig(pt,1),OUT) ; addlocap(pt,CAPMIM,0.5e-6,in,out,"cap1") ; addlocap(pt,CAPMIM,0.5e-6,in,out,"cap2") ; } SEE ALSO
mbk(1), lofig(3), locap(3), locon(3), dellocap(3). BUG REPORT
This tool is under development at the ASIM department of the LIP6 laboratory. We need your feedback to improve documentation and tools. ASIM
/LIP6 August 14, 2002 ADDLOCAP(3)

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addloself - create a logical inductor ORIGIN
This software belongs to the ALLIANCE CAD SYSTEM developed by the ASIM team at LIP6 laboratory of Universite Pierre et Marie CURIE, in Paris, France. Web : E-mail : SYNOPSYS
#include "mlo.h" loself_list *addloself(ptfig,type,self,scon1,scon2,name) lofig_list *ptfig ; char type ; double self ; losig_list *scon1, *scon2 ; const char *name ; PARAMETERS
ptfig Pointer to the figure in which the inductor should be added type Inductor type self Inductor value in Henry scon1 Pointer to the signal to be connected on the inductor top plate scon2 Pointer to the signal to be connected on the inductor bottom plate name Inductor instance name DESCRIPTION
addloself creates a new inductor, and adds it to the list of inductors pointed to by ptfig -> LOSELF. The new inductor is added in front of the list, and becomes itself the list head. The type parameter can take one value : SELFMIM for a metal inductor The self argument is the inductor value in Henry. Two connectors are created each time a inductor is added, and the scon1 and scon2 losigs are attached to the SIG field of the locon of the appropriate connector. The connectors names are scon1 and scon2; their direction, DIR, are set to 'L', and their TYPE INTERNAL. For details on the structuself, see locon(3) and loself(3). RETURN VALUE
addloself returns a pointer to the newly created inductor. ERRORS
"*** mbk error *** illegal inductor type : type" The type is not a legal inductor type. EXAMPLE
#include "mlo.h" void parallel_inductors(void) /* netlist of two parallel inductors */ { lofig_list *pt = NULL ; losig_list *in = NULL ; losig_list *out = NULL ; pt = addlofig("parallel_inductors") ; addlocon(pt,"in",in = givelosig(pt,0),IN) ; addlocon(pt,"out",out = givelosig(pt,1),OUT) ; addloself(pt,SELFMIM,0.6e-6,in,out,"self1") ; addloself(pt,SELFMIM,0.6e-6,in,out,"self2") ; } SEE ALSO
mbk(1), lofig(3), loself(3), locon(3), delloself(3). BUG REPORT
This tool is under development at the ASIM department of the LIP6 laboratory. We need your feedback to improve documentation and tools. ASIM
/LIP6 August 14, 2002 ADDLOSELF(3)
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