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pipe(2) [opendarwin man page]

PIPE(2) 						      BSD System Calls Manual							   PIPE(2)

pipe -- create descriptor pair for interprocess communication SYNOPSIS
#include <unistd.h> int pipe(int *fildes); DESCRIPTION
The pipe() function creates a pipe, which is an object allowing unidirectional data flow, and allocates a pair of file descriptors. The first descriptor connects to the read end of the pipe, and the second connects to the write end, so that data written to fildes[1] appears on (i.e., can be read from) fildes[0]. This allows the output of one program to be sent to another program: the source's standard output is set up to be the write end of the pipe, and the sink's standard input is set up to be the read end of the pipe. The pipe itself persists until all its associated descriptors are closed. A pipe whose read or write end has been closed is considered widowed. Writing on such a pipe causes the writing process to receive a SIGPIPE signal. Widowing a pipe is the only way to deliver end-of-file to a reader: after the reader consumes any buffered data, reading a widowed pipe returns a zero count. RETURN VALUES
On successful creation of the pipe, zero is returned. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and the variable errno set to indicate the error. ERRORS
The pipe() call will fail if: [EMFILE] Too many descriptors are active. [ENFILE] The system file table is full. [EFAULT] The fildes buffer is in an invalid area of the process's address space. SEE ALSO
sh(1), read(2), write(2), fork(2), socketpair(2) HISTORY
A pipe() function call appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX. 4th Berkeley Distribution June 4, 1993 4th Berkeley Distribution

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PIPE(2) 						      BSD System Calls Manual							   PIPE(2)

pipe -- create descriptor pair for interprocess communication SYNOPSIS
#include <unistd.h> int pipe(int fildes[2]); DESCRIPTION
The pipe() function creates a pipe (an object that allows unidirectional data flow) and allocates a pair of file descriptors. The first descriptor connects to the read end of the pipe; the second connects to the write end. Data written to fildes[1] appears on (i.e., can be read from) fildes[0]. This allows the output of one program to be sent to another pro- gram: the source's standard output is set up to be the write end of the pipe; the sink's standard input is set up to be the read end of the pipe. The pipe itself persists until all of its associated descriptors are closed. A pipe whose read or write end has been closed is considered widowed. Writing on such a pipe causes the writing process to receive a SIGPIPE signal. Widowing a pipe is the only way to deliver end-of-file to a reader: after the reader consumes any buffered data, reading a widowed pipe returns a zero count. The generation of the SIGPIPE signal can be suppressed using the F_SETNOSIGPIPE fcntl command. RETURN VALUES
On successful creation of the pipe, zero is returned. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and the variable errno set to indicate the error. ERRORS
The pipe() call will fail if: [EFAULT] The fildes buffer is in an invalid area of the process's address space. [EMFILE] Too many descriptors are active. [ENFILE] The system file table is full. SEE ALSO
sh(1), fork(2), read(2), socketpair(2), fcntl(2), write(2) HISTORY
A pipe() function call appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX. 4th Berkeley Distribution February 17, 2011 4th Berkeley Distribution
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