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mpx(2) [opendarwin man page]

UNIMPLEMENTED(2)					     Linux Programmer's Manual						  UNIMPLEMENTED(2)

afs_syscall, break, fattach, fdetach, ftime, getmsg, getpmsg, gtty, isastream, lock, madvise1, mpx, prof, profil, putmsg, putpmsg, secu- rity, stty, tuxcall, ulimit, vserver - unimplemented system calls SYNOPSIS
Unimplemented system calls. DESCRIPTION
These system calls are not implemented in the Linux kernel. RETURN VALUE
These system calls always return -1 and set errno to ENOSYS. NOTES
Note that ftime(3), profil(3), and ulimit(3) are implemented as library functions. Some system calls, like alloc_hugepages(2), free_hugepages(2), ioperm(2), iopl(2), and vm86(2) exist only on certain architectures. Some system calls, like ipc(2), create_module(2), init_module(2), and delete_module(2) exist only when the Linux kernel was built with sup- port for them. SEE ALSO
syscalls(2) COLOPHON
This page is part of release 4.15 of the Linux man-pages project. A description of the project, information about reporting bugs, and the latest version of this page, can be found at Linux 2017-09-15 UNIMPLEMENTED(2)

Check Out this Related Man Page

SGETMASK(2)                                                  Linux Programmer's Manual                                                 SGETMASK(2)

sgetmask, ssetmask - manipulation of signal mask (obsolete) SYNOPSIS
long sgetmask(void); long ssetmask(long newmask); Note: There are no glibc wrappers for these system calls; see NOTES. DESCRIPTION
These system calls are obsolete. Do not use them; use sigprocmask(2) instead. sgetmask() returns the signal mask of the calling process. ssetmask() sets the signal mask of the calling process to the value given in newmask. The previous signal mask is returned. The signal masks dealt with by these two system calls are plain bit masks (unlike the sigset_t used by sigprocmask(2)); use sigmask(3) to create and inspect these masks. RETURN VALUE
sgetmask() always successfully returns the signal mask. ssetmask() always succeeds, and returns the previous signal mask. ERRORS
These system calls always succeed. VERSIONS
Since Linux 3.16, support for these system calls is optional, depending on whether the kernel was built with the CONFIG_SGETMASK_SYSCALL option. CONFORMING TO
These system calls are Linux-specific. NOTES
Glibc does not provide wrappers for these obsolete system calls; in the unlikely event that you want to call them, use syscall(2). These system calls are unaware of signal numbers greater than 31 (i.e., real-time signals). These system calls do not exist on x86-64. It is not possible to block SIGSTOP or SIGKILL. SEE ALSO
sigprocmask(2), signal(7) COLOPHON
This page is part of release 4.15 of the Linux man-pages project. A description of the project, information about reporting bugs, and the latest version of this page, can be found at Linux 2017-09-15 SGETMASK(2)
Man Page

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1. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers

Urgent problem with wtmpx

Hi everybody I have a problem with wtmpx. Accounting file. I activated it. It works but to well :( Writes the same message every minute. "faxmodem" As you can see it does not take to long until my /var file is soon full. Thanks Peter (26 Replies)
Discussion started by: Peterh
26 Replies

2. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers


Platform sol 8 I had wtmpx growing very large(1.2 G). I copied the file and compressed it the did a "cat /dev/null > /var/adm/wtmpx" to zero out the file and not close any doors to any processes. (After searching this seemed like the right method) This is a box that gets accessed from other... (5 Replies)
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3. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users

how to delete entry in file "wtmpx"(/var/adm/wtmpx)

Do someone know how to delete entry(some lines) in file "wtmpx" that command "last" use it. this file is binary so I cannot edit directy. ========================= #last root pts/1 noc Fri Mar 3 22:04 still logged in root pts/1 noc Fri Mar 3 22:01 - 22:02 ... (4 Replies)
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4. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers

wtmpx file

Hello everybody: the wtmpx file on my Sol8 machine, got so big (2GB), that my root partition is almost full now, can I empty that file, I read about it that it contains database of user access and auditing, so in case I emptied it will it affect my system?? Thanks alot (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: aladdin
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5. Solaris

wtmpx file is too big

Hi, I am using Sun Solaris 5.9 OS. I have found a file called wtmpx having a size of 5.0 GB. I want to clear this file using :>/var/adm/wtmpx. My query is, would it cause any problem to the running live system. Could anyone suggest the best method to clear the file without causing problem to... (6 Replies)
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6. Solaris

Solaris 10 - QLogic 4060C iSCSI adapter - multipathed (MPxIO)

System: Sun M3000 and M4000 OS: Solaris 10 (fully up to date with latest patches) iSCSI HBA: 2x QLE4060C (QLogic) In each system are 2 QLE4060C iSCSI adapters. I manage to set up both HBA's to connect to the LUNs on the SAN However I don't manage to enable multi-pathing. Made the... (4 Replies)
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7. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users

mpxio in Solaris10 with NetApp FAS3140 problem

we have a v440 SUN machine with a NetApp FAS3140 SAN storage, the v440 got 2 HBA qlogic cards both connected to the switch side in NetApp 3140, zoning in netapp configured proberly and luns are adversitesed to the SUN machine, the problem i am facing is that when i try to configure the mpxio i am... (7 Replies)
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8. Solaris

wtmpx file

What could possibly happen if wtmpx file got deleted by mistake? Thanks, (8 Replies)
Discussion started by: Pouchie1
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9. Solaris

Curious MPxIO problem

Hello folks, I have a newly installed Solaris 10 system running on a T6320 blade. I have set up LDM with the intent to move an ldom from another blade to this one. So far, so good. I had the SAN folks make the LUNs belonging to the ldom visible to my new blade and I can see them, all 4 paths.... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: Ranck
4 Replies

10. Solaris

Solaris 10 + mpxio Path

Hi, I have an Oracle/Sun T3-2 Server with a duel SAS controller Fujitsu DX60 array attached. I have 2 x SAS HBA's in the T3-2. One HBA cabled to CM0 and one HBA cabled to CM1 of the array. The array is setup with one RAID GROUP and one VOLUME and one LUN In Solaris I can see one device... (4 Replies)
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11. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers

no utmpx entry and other questions

I have recently been assigned to help maintain some testing software on two UNIX stations. The stations are connected to instruments that supply power, signals, and take measurements from a box. Both test stations are basically the same. I was given a crash course (read a little training) a couple... (18 Replies)
Discussion started by: bjstaff
18 Replies

12. Solaris

WTMPX File corrupted

Hi All I work on solaris 8, 9 and 10 platforms and have encountered an error which is my wtmpx files appear to be corrupted as all entries contain the date 1970 (the birth of unix). Now this is obviously not the case, so my query is: 1 - Can the existing wtmpx files be manipulated to... (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: drestarr96
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13. Solaris

MPXIO not working on a machine with both SAN and Tape drives.

Hi, I have a machine, and mpzio fails everytime i reboot the server. The machine has tape drives and SAN storage, I'm not sure if that is my issue or not. I was told to not enable mpxio globally as that would do something bad to the tape drives. So, I set it to only make the two SAN connected... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: BG_JrAdmin
4 Replies

14. Solaris

Something is removing/deleting my wtmpx file?

hi, we have a solaris 10 box that was handled by a different sysadmin before & now it is turned over to us for system administration. our concern is that if we issue the "last" command, it usually says "wtmp begins current day current month date 02:30". just like this "wtmp begins Thu Mar 7... (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: booghaw
6 Replies

15. Solaris

Reset MPxIO total path count

We recently moved our netapp disks onto new infrastructure by attaching the new controllers to our fibre switch and netapp migrating the disks. Disks kept the same address. We originally had 4 paths, but after attaching the new controllers we had 8. Now I want to remove the old paths. But can't. ... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: garydeena
5 Replies