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version(1) [opendarwin man page]

VERSION(1)							      OpenSSL								VERSION(1)

version - print OpenSSL version information SYNOPSIS
openssl version [-a] [-v] [-b] [-o] [-f] [-p] DESCRIPTION
This command is used to print out version information about OpenSSL. OPTIONS
-a all information, this is the same as setting all the other flags. -v the current OpenSSL version. -b the date the current version of OpenSSL was built. -o option information: various options set when the library was built. -c compilation flags. -p platform setting. -d OPENSSLDIR setting. NOTES
The output of openssl version -a would typically be used when sending in a bug report. HISTORY
The -d option was added in OpenSSL 0.9.7. 0.9.7d 2003-11-20 VERSION(1)

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VERSION(1SSL)							      OpenSSL							     VERSION(1SSL)

openssl-version, version - print OpenSSL version information SYNOPSIS
openssl version [-help] [-a] [-v] [-b] [-o] [-f] [-p] [-d] [-e] DESCRIPTION
This command is used to print out version information about OpenSSL. OPTIONS
-help Print out a usage message. -a All information, this is the same as setting all the other flags. -v The current OpenSSL version. -b The date the current version of OpenSSL was built. -o Option information: various options set when the library was built. -f Compilation flags. -p Platform setting. -d OPENSSLDIR setting. -e ENGINESDIR setting. NOTES
The output of openssl version -a would typically be used when sending in a bug report. COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2000-2017 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at <>. 1.1.1a 2018-12-18 VERSION(1SSL)
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