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utime(1) [opendarwin man page]

utime(1)							    ShapeTools								  utime(1)

utime - set file times SYNOPSIS
utime access_time modification_time file ... DESCRIPTION
utime sets the access and modification times of the specified files. The access time is set to the first value, the modification time is set to the second value. The times are given in seconds since 00:00:00 GMT Jan 1, 1970. SEE ALSO
utime(2) AUTHOR rcs2atfs-1.9 Tue Jun 29 16:38:31 1993 utime(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

explain_utime_or_die(3) 				     Library Functions Manual					   explain_utime_or_die(3)

explain_utime_or_die - change file times and report errors SYNOPSIS
#include <libexplain/utime.h> void explain_utime_or_die(const char *pathname, const struct utimbuf *times); DESCRIPTION
The explain_utime_or_die function is used to call the utime(2) system call. On failure an explanation will be printed to stderr, obtained from explain_utime(3), and then the process terminates by calling exit(EXIT_FAILURE). This function is intended to be used in a fashion similar to the following example: explain_utime_or_die(pathname, times); pathname The pathname, exactly as to be passed to the utime(2) system call. times The times, exactly as to be passed to the utime(2) system call. Returns: This function only returns on success. On failure, prints an explanation and exits. SEE ALSO
utime(2) change file last access and modification times explain_utime(3) explain utime(2) errors exit(2) terminate the calling process COPYRIGHT
libexplain version 0.52 Copyright (C) 2008 Peter Miller explain_utime_or_die(3)
Man Page

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