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update-bootloader(1) [opendarwin man page]

UPDATE-BOOTLOADER(1)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				      UPDATE-BOOTLOADER(1)

update-bootloader - update/change bootloader configuration using Bootloader::Tools perl module SYNOPSIS
update-bootloader [operation] [options] operation is one of --add, --remove or --refresh. valid options are --help, --man, --image <file>, --initrd <file>, --xen-kernel <file>, --xen, --default, --previous, --name <string>, --force, --force-default. DESCRIPTION
update-bootloader will let you modify your bootloader configuration using Bootloader::Tools perl module. OPERATIONS
--add add an new image section. Needs a call to --refresh to take effect. --remove remove the specified image section. Needs a call to --refresh to take effect. --refresh activate the new config e.g. write boot loader to disk PARAMETER
--help Print a brief help message and exits. --man Prints the manual page and exits. --image file specify path to kernel image --initrd file specify path to initrd file --xen specify that you what to add a xen and not a regular image section --xen-kernel file specify that you what to add a xen section with a specific image. Implies --xen option. --default let the new section to be added be the default section if appropriate. Only allowed together with --add operation --previous set some usuable defaults for image, initrd and name when --name string specify the name of the section to be added/removed --force dont complain, just do the right thing --force-default force the new section to be added to be the default section. Only allowed together with --add operation perl v5.12.1 2010-04-22 UPDATE-BOOTLOADER(1)

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Bootloader::Tools(3)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				      Bootloader::Tools(3)

Bootloader::Tools - set of high-level bootloader configuration functions PREFACE
This package contains a set of high-level bootloader configuration functions SYNOPSIS
"use Bootloader::Tools;" "$mp_ref = Bootloader::Tools::ReadMountPoints ();" "$part_ref = Bootloader::Tools::ReadPartitions ();" "$numDM = Bootloader::Tools::DMRaidAvailable ();" "$part_ref = Bootloader::Tools::ReadDMRaidPartitions ();" "$part_ref = Bootloader::Tools::ReadDMRaidDisks ();" "Bootloader::Tools::IsDMRaidSlave ($kernel_disk);" "Bootloader::Tools::IsDMDevice($dev);" "$md_ref = Bootloader::Tools::ReadRAID1Arrays ();" "$loader = Bootloader::Tools::GetBootloader ();" "$value = Bootloader::Tools::GetSysconfigValue ();" "Bootloader::Tools::InitLibrary ();" "Bootloader::Tools::CountImageSections ($image);" "Bootloader::Tools::RemoveImageSections ($image);" "Bootloader::Tools::GetSystemLanguage ();" "Bootloader::Tools::GetDefaultSection ();" "Bootloader::Tools::GetDefaultImage ();" "Bootloader::Tools::GetDefaultInitrd ();" "Bootloader::Tools::GetGlobals();" "Bootloader::Tools::SetGlobals(@params);" "Bootloader::Tools::GetSectionList(@selectors);" "Bootloader::Tools::GetSection($name);" "Bootloader::Tools::AddSection($name, @params);" "Bootloader::Tools::RemoveSections($name);" "Bootloader::Tools::AdjustSectionNameAppendix ($mode, $sect_ref_new, $sect_ref_old);" "$exec_with_path = Bootloader::Tools::AddPathToExecutable($executable);" DESCRIPTION
"$mp_ref = Bootloader::Tools::ReadMountPoints ();" reads the information about mountpoints in the system. The returned data is needed to initialize the bootloader library properly. See InitLibrary function for example. "$part_ref = Bootloader::Tools::ReadPartitions ();" reads the information about disk partitions. This data is needed to initialize the bootloader library properly. See InitLibrary function for example. "Bootloader::Tools::GetMultipath ();" Gets multipath configuration. Return reference to hash map, empty if system doesn't contain multipath. "Bootloader::Tools::GetMultipath ();" Gets multipath configuration. Return reference to hash map, empty if system doesn't contain multipath. "$numDM = Bootloader::Tools::DMRaidAvailable ();" Tests wether DMRAID is available. Return 0 if no device, 1 if there are any. "$part_ref = Bootloader::Tools::ReadDMRaidPartitions ();" reads partitions belonging to a Devicemapper RAID device. needed to be able to put get the correct translation into Grub notation DMRaid Devices look like: <strange name> DMRaid Partitions look like: <strange name>_partd "$part_ref = Bootloader::Tools::ReadDMRaidDisks ();" returns a refenrence to a list of DMRaid devices "Bootloader::Tools::IsDMRaidSlave ($kernel_disk);" checks wether a kernel_device is part of a DMRAID returns 1 if yes, 0 if no "Bootloader::Tools:IsDMDevice ($device);" returns 1 if $device is a Devicemapper device, otherwise 0. "$md_ref = Bootloader::Tools::ReadRAID1Arrays ();" reads the information about disk MD RAID1 arrays. This data is needed to initialize the bootloader library properly. "$loader = Bootloader::Tools::GetBootloader ();" returns the used bootloader. Reads the value from sysconfig. Returns the string - bootloader type. See InitLibrary function for example. "$value = Bootloader::Tools::GetSysconfigValue ();" returns specified option from the /etc/sysconfig/bootloader file or undef if variable is not set. See AddSection for example "Bootloader::Tools::InitLibrary ();" initializes the bootloader configuration library. Fills its internal structures needed for it to run properly. "Bootloader::Tools::CountImageSections ($image);" counts sections in the bootolader menu reffering to the specified kernel. EXAMPLE: Bootloader::Tools::InitLibrary(); my $count = Bootloader::Tools::CountImageSections ("/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.11"); print "Sections: $count "; "Bootloader::Tools::CountSections (@selections);" # FIXME: add documentation "Bootloader::Tools::UpdateBootloader ();" Updates the bootloader settings meaning do whatever it takes for the actual bootloader to use the current configuration "$lang = Bootloader::Tools::GetSystemLanguage ();" Read the System Language from /etc/sysconfig/language:RC_LANG EXAMPLE: my $Lang; $Lang = Bootloader::Tools::GetSystemLanguage (); setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, $Lang); "%defaultSelection = Bootloader::Tools::GetDefaultSection ();" Get the default section, returns a hash reference EXAMPLE: my %section; %section = Bootloader::Tools::GetDefaultSection (); my $default_kernel = $section{"image"}; "Bootloader::Tools::GetDefaultImage ();" Get the kernel name of the default section EXAMPLE: my $kernel; $kernel = Bootloader::Tools::GetDefaultImage (); print("Default Kernel Name: $kernel "); "Bootloader::Tools::GetDefaultInitrd ();" Get the initrd of the default section EXAMPLE: my $initrd; $initrd = Bootloader::Tools::GetDefaultInitrd (); print("Default initrd Name: $initrd "); "Bootloader::Tools::GetGlobals();" "Bootloader::Tools::SetGlobals(@params);" # FIXME: Add documentation "Bootloader::Tools::GetSectionList(@selectors);" # FIXME: Add documentation "Bootloader::Tools::GetSection($name);" # FIXME: Add documentation "Bootloader::Tools::AddSection($name, @params);" Add a new section (boot entry) to config file, e.g. to /boot/grub/menu.lst EXAMPLE: my $opt_name = "LabelOfSection"; my @params = (type => $type, image => $opt_image, initrd => $opt_initrd, ); Bootloader::Tools::AddSection ($opt_name, @params); "Bootloader::Tools::RemoveImageSections ($image);" removes all sections in the bootloader menu referring to the specified kernel. EXAMPLE: Bootloader::Tools::InitLibrary (); Bootloader::Tools::RemoveImageSections ("/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.11"); Bootloader::Tools::UpdateBootloader(); "Bootloader::Tools::RemoveSections($name);" "Bootloader::Tools::AdjustSectionNameAppendix ($mode, $sect_ref_new, $sect_ref_old);" Adds and respectively removes a potential appendix of a section name. In case of mode "add", it adjusts labels which only differ in their corresponding flavors in the following way, e.g.: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 - (default) and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 - (smp) Thus, the corresponding flavors will be appended in brackets. In case of mode "remove", an appended flavor will be removed from the section label if the corresponding section is the only one left referring to a kernel with it's specific version. EXAMPLE: my $mode = "add"; my $sect_ref_new = \%new_section; Bootloader::Tools::AdjustSectionNameAppendix ($mode, $sect_ref_new); or my $mode = "remove" my $sect_ref_new = @section_naems_after_removal; my $sect_ref_old = @section_names_before_removal; Bootloader::Tools::AdjustSectionNameAppendix ($mode, $sect_ref_new, $sect_ref_old); "Bootloader::Tools::AddPathToExecutable ($executable);" Prepends the corresponding (absolute) path to the given executable and returns the result. If not found in path, function returns undef. EXAMPLE: my $executable = "dmsetup"; my $exec_with_path = Bootloader::Tools::AddPathToExecutable ($executable); if (-e $exec_with_path) { print ("The desired executable is located here: $exec_with_path"); } perl v5.12.1 2010-05-25 Bootloader::Tools(3)
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