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tcopy(1) [opendarwin man page]

TCOPY(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						  TCOPY(1)

tcopy -- copy and/or verify mag tapes SYNOPSIS
tcopy [-cvx] [-s maxblk] [src [dest]] DESCRIPTION
tcopy is designed to copy magnetic tapes. The only assumption made about the tape is that there are two tape marks at the end. tcopy with only a source tape (/dev/rst0 by default) specified will print information about the sizes of records and tape files. If a destination is specified a copy will be made of the source tape. The blocking on the destination tape will be identical to that used on the source tape. Copying a tape will yield the same output as if just printing the sizes. Options: -c Copy src to dest and then verify that the two tapes are identical. -s maxblk Specify a maximum block size, maxblk. -v Given the two tapes, and dest verify that they are identical. -x Output all informational messages to the standard error. This option is useful when dest is /dev/stdout. SEE ALSO
mtio(4) HISTORY
The tcopy command appeared in 4.3BSD. 4.3 Berkeley Distribution April 17, 1994 4.3 Berkeley Distribution

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tcopy(1)							   User Commands							  tcopy(1)

tcopy - copy a magnetic tape SYNOPSIS
tcopy source [destination] DESCRIPTION
The tcopy utility copies the magnetic tape mounted on the tape drive specified by the source argument. The only assumption made about the contents of a tape is that there are two tape marks at the end. When only a source drive is specified, tcopy scans the tape, and displays information about the sizes of records and tape files. If a des- tination is specified, tcopy makes a copies the source tape onto the destination tape, with blocking preserved. As it copies, tcopy pro- duces the same output as it does when only scanning a tape. The tcopy utility requires the use of Berkeley-compatible device names. For example, example% tcopy /dev/rmt/1b /dev/rmt/2b ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWesu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
mt(1), ioctl(2), attributes(5) NOTES
tcopy will only run on systems supporting an associated set of ioctl(2) requests. SunOS 5.10 10 Mar 2000 tcopy(1)
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