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strace-log-merge(1) [opendarwin man page]

STRACE-LOG-MERGE(1)					      General Commands Manual					       STRACE-LOG-MERGE(1)

strace-log-merge - merge strace -ff -tt output SYNOPSIS
strace-log-merge STRACE_LOG strace-log-merge --help DESCRIPTION
strace-log-merge merges the output of strace -ff -tt[t] command, prepending PID to each line and sorting the result using time stamp as a key. OPTIONS
--help Show program usage and exit. STRACE_LOG Output file name prefix of files produced by a strace -ff -tt[t] command. EXIT STATUS
0 Success Non-zero Error occurred: either no argument specified (in that case a usage is printed), or something went wrong during the processing of STRACE_LOG.* files. USAGE EXAMPLE
$ strace -o sleepy -ff -tt -e trace=execve,nanosleep sh -c 'sleep 0.1 & sleep 0.2 & sleep 0.3' $ strace-log-merge sleepy | fold -w 72 -s 13475 21:13:52.040837 execve("/bin/sh", ["sh", "-c", "sleep 0.1 & sleep 0.2 & sleep 0."...], 0x7ffde54b2450 /* 33 vars */) = 0 13478 21:13:52.044050 execve("/bin/sleep", ["sleep", "0.3"], 0x5631be4f87a8 /* 33 vars */) = 0 13476 21:13:52.044269 execve("/bin/sleep", ["sleep", "0.1"], 0x5631be4f87a8 /* 33 vars */) = 0 13477 21:13:52.044389 execve("/bin/sleep", ["sleep", "0.2"], 0x5631be4f87a8 /* 33 vars */) = 0 13478 21:13:52.046207 nanosleep({tv_sec=0, tv_nsec=300000000}, NULL) = 0 13476 21:13:52.046303 nanosleep({tv_sec=0, tv_nsec=100000000}, NULL) = 0 13477 21:13:52.046318 nanosleep({tv_sec=0, tv_nsec=200000000}, NULL) = 0 13476 21:13:52.146852 +++ exited with 0 +++ 13475 21:13:52.146942 --- SIGCHLD {si_signo=SIGCHLD, si_code=CLD_EXITED, si_pid=13476, si_uid=1000, si_status=0, si_utime=0, si_stime=0} --- 13477 21:13:52.247782 +++ exited with 0 +++ 13475 21:13:52.247885 --- SIGCHLD {si_signo=SIGCHLD, si_code=CLD_EXITED, si_pid=13477, si_uid=1000, si_status=0, si_utime=0, si_stime=0} --- 13478 21:13:52.347680 +++ exited with 0 +++ 13475 21:13:52.347786 --- SIGCHLD {si_signo=SIGCHLD, si_code=CLD_EXITED, si_pid=13478, si_uid=1000, si_status=0, si_utime=0, si_stime=0} --- 13475 21:13:52.348069 +++ exited with 0 +++ NOTES
strace-log-merge does not work well with strace logs generated by strace -tt invocation that pass midnight, as those lack the information required for the proper sorting. Employing the -ttt option in the respective strace invocation should solve the problem. BUGS
strace-log-merge does not perform any checks whether the files specified are in the correct format and implies that only files from a sin- gle strace session match STRACE_LOG.* glob pattern. HISTORY
The initial version of strace-log-merge was written by Denys Vlasenko in 2012. REPORTING BUGS
Problems with strace-log-merge should be reported to the strace mailing list at <>. SEE ALSO
strace(1) strace UNKNOWN 2018-04-11 STRACE-LOG-MERGE(1)

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strace(1M)						  System Administration Commands						strace(1M)

strace - print STREAMS trace messages SYNOPSIS
strace [ mid sid level...] DESCRIPTION
strace without arguments writes all STREAMS event trace messages from all drivers and modules to its standard output. These messages are obtained from the STREAMS log driver (see log(7D)). If arguments are provided, they must be in triplets of the form mid, sid, level, where mid is a STREAMS module ID number, sid is a sub-ID number, and level is a tracing priority level. Each triplet indicates that tracing messages are to be received from the given module/driver, sub-ID (usually indicating minor device), and priority level equal to, or less than the given level. The token all may be used for any member to indicate no restriction for that attribute. The format of each trace message output is: <seq> <time> <ticks> <level> <flags> <mid> <sid> <text> <seq> trace sequence number <time> time of message in hh:mm:ss <ticks> time of message in machine ticks since boot <level> tracing priority level <flags> E : message is also in the error log F : indicates a fatal error N : mail was sent to the system administrator (hardcoded as root) <mid> module ID number of source <sid> sub-ID number of source <text> formatted text of the trace message Once initiated, strace will continue to execute until terminated by the user. EXAMPLES
Example 1: A sample output of the strace command: The following example outputs all trace messages from the module or driver whose module ID is 41: strace 41 all all The following example outputs those trace messages from driver or module ID 41 with sub-IDs 0, 1, or 2: strace 41 0 1 41 1 1 41 2 0 Messages from sub-IDs 0 and 1 must have a tracing level less than or equal to 1. Those from sub-ID 2 must have a tracing level of 0. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
attributes(5), log(7D) STREAMS Programming Guide NOTES
o There is no restriction to the number of strace processes opening the STREAMS log driver at a time. o The log-driver records the list of the triplets specified in the command invocation, and compares each potential trace message against this list to decide if it should be formatted and sent up to the strace process. Hence, long lists of triplets will have a greater impact on overall STREAMS performance. Running strace will have the most impact on the timing of the modules and drivers generating the trace messages that are sent to the strace process. If trace messages are generated faster than the strace process can handle them, some of the messages will be lost. This last case can be determined by examining the sequence numbers on the trace messages output. SunOS 5.10 4 Oct 1994 strace(1M)
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