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showq(1) [opendarwin man page]

SHOWQ(1)						      General Commands Manual							  SHOWQ(1)

showq - MIDI controlled theatre cue player SYNOPSIS
This manual page documents briefly the showq program. This manual page was written for the Debian distribution because the original pro- gram does not have a manual page. showq is a MIDI controlled theatre cue player that can play audio or trigger MIDI events. Applicaton can be controlled by midi. It can play through alsa or through Jack Audio Connection Kit. OPTIONS
This program takes no arguments SEE ALSO
jackd(1). AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Jaromir Mike <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others). April 10, 2011 SHOWQ(1)

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BRP-PACU(1)						      General Commands Manual						       BRP-PACU(1)

brp-pacu - dual fft live audio analysis program SYNOPSIS
This manual page documents briefly the brp-pacu program. This manual page was written for the Debian distribution because the original program does not have a manual page. brp-pacu is an audio analysis tool to configure any sound system with an equalizer. It compares the output of the system to the input of the system and allows you to use this data to perform final equalization by matching the results with actual DSP/EQ. Channel 1 is the output of the system we are observing (measured), channel 2 is the input (reference). You also need a decent calibrated omnidrectional microphone (reasonably flat 20Hz-20kHz) and either a USB-Preamp like the 2-channel M-Audio, or a mixer with a 30dB pad or so going into the laptop mic input. No Pad is necessary if you are lucky enough to have a laptop or PC with a line input. The headphone out will have the pink noise. brp-pacu works through Jack Audio Connection Kit. OPTIONS
This program takes no arguments SEE ALSO
jackd(1). AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Jaromir Mike <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others). February 28, 2011 BRP-PACU(1)
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