psfstriptable - remove the embedded Unicode character table from a console font
psfstriptable fontfile outfile
psfstriptable reads a .psf format console font from fontfile, removes the embedded Unicode font table if there is one, and writes the
result to outfile. An input file name of "-" denotes standard input, and an output file name of "-" denotes standard output.
SEE ALSO setfont(8), psfaddtable(1), psfgettable(1), psfxtable(1)
25 Oct 1994 PSFSTRIPTABLE(1)
Check Out this Related Man Page
psfaddtable - add a Unicode character table to a console font
psfaddtable fontfile tablefile outfile
psfaddtable takes a console font in .psf format given by fontfile and merges it with the Unicode character table given by tablefile to pro-
duce a font file with an embedded character table, which is written to outfile. An input file name of "-" denotes standard input, and an
output file name of "-" denotes standard output. If the fontfile already contains an embedded character table, it is ignored.
Each line in the tablefile should be either blank, contain a comment (preceded by #), or contain a sequence of numbers in either decimal
(default), octal (preceded by 0), or hexadecimal (preceded by 0x) format, separated by spaces or tabs. The first number on each line indi-
cates the glyph slot in the font that is being referred to, this is between 0 and 0xff for a 256-character font and 0 and 0x1ff for a
512-character font. Any subsequent numbers on the same line are Unicodes matched by this specific glyph slot. Instead of a single Unicode
one may have a sequence of Unicodes separates by commas, to denote that the glyph depicts the corresponding composed symbol. It is permis-
sible to have multiple lines for the same glyph.
SEE ALSO setfont(8), psfgettable(1), psfstriptable(1), psfxtable(1)
25 Oct 1994 PSFADDTABLE(1)
What is the point of this? Whenever I close my shell it appends to the history file without adding this. I have never seen it overwrite my history file.
# When the shell exits, append to the history file instead of overwriting it
shopt -s histappend (3 Replies)
I'm trying to delete a file with a weird name from within Terminal on a Mac.
It's a very old file (1992) with null characters in the name: ââWord FinderÂŽ Plusâ˘.
Here are some examples of what I've tried:
12FX009:5 dpontius$ ls
ââWord FinderÂŽ Plusâ˘
12FX009:5 dpontius$ rm... (29 Replies)