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pmset(1) [opendarwin man page]

PMSET(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						  PMSET(1)

pmset -- modify power management settings SYNOPSIS
pmset [-a | -b | -c] [dim minutes] [spindown minutes] [sleep minutes] [womp 1/0] [ring 1/0] [autorestart 1/0] [dps 1/0] [reduce 1/0] [powerbutton 1/0] [lidwake 1/0] [acwake 1/0] [boot] pmset -g [disk | live | cap | sched] DESCRIPTION
pmset changes and reads power management settings such as idle sleep timing, wake on administrative access, automatic restart on power loss, etc. SETTING
The -a, -b, -c flags determine whether the settings apply to battery (-b), charger (wall power) (-c), or all (-a). Use a minutes argument of 0 to set the idle time to never. pmset must be run as root. The boot argument tells power management that system bootup is complete. Loginwindow handles this on a normal Mac OS X system. GETTING
The -g flag outputs the settings currently in use (same as -g live ). -g disk will tell you the settings on disk. -g cap will tell you which power management features the machine supports. -g sched will show scheduled startup/wake and shutdown/sleep events. ARGUMENTS
dim - display dim timer (value in minutes) spindown - disk spindown timer (value in minutes) sleep - system sleep timer (value in minutes) womp - wake on ethernet magic packet (value = 0/1) ring - wake on modem ring (value = 0/1) autorestart - automatic restart on power loss (value = 0/1) dps - dynamically change processor speed based on load (value = 0/1) reduce - reduce processor speed (value = 0/1) powerbutton - sleep the machine when power button is pressed (value = 0/1) lidwake - wake the machine when the laptop lid(or clamshell) is opened (value = 0/1) acwake - wake the machine when power source (AC/battery) is changed (value = 0/1) OTHER ARGUMENTS
These arguments don't directly affect power management settings: boot - tell the kernel that system boot is complete EXAMPLES
pmset -b dim 5 pmset -a dim 10 spindown 10 sleep 30 womp 1 pmset -g live FILES
All changes made through pmset are saved in a persistent preferences file (per-system, not per-user) at /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ pmset modifies the same file that System Preferences Energy Saver modifies. Darwin August 19, 2002 Darwin

Check Out this Related Man Page

SYSTEMD-SLEEP.CONF(5)						systemd-sleep.conf					     SYSTEMD-SLEEP.CONF(5)

systemd-sleep.conf - Suspend and hibernation configuration file SYNOPSIS
/etc/systemd/sleep.conf DESCRIPTION
systemd supports three general power-saving modes: suspend a low-power state where execution of the OS is paused, and complete power loss might result in lost data, and which is fast to enter and exit. This corresponds to suspend, standby, or freeze states as understood by the kernel. hibernate a low-power state where execution of the OS is paused, and complete power loss does not result in lost data, and which might be slow to enter and exit. This corresponds to the hibernation as understood by the kernel. hybrid-sleep a low-power state where execution of the OS is paused, which might be slow to enter, and on complete power loss does not result in lost data but might be slower to exit in that case. This mode is called suspend-to-both by the kernel. Settings in this file determine what strings will be written to /sys/power/disk and /sys/power/state by systemd-sleep(8) when systemd(1) attempts to suspend or hibernate the machine. OPTIONS
The following options can be configured in the "[Sleep]" section of /etc/systemd/sleep.conf: SuspendMode=, HibernateMode=, HybridSleepMode= The string to be written to /sys/power/disk by, respectively, systemd-suspend.service(8), systemd-hibernate.service(8), or systemd- hybrid-sleep.service(8). More than one value can be specified by seperating multiple values with commas. They will be tried in turn, until one is written without error. If neither suceeds, the operation will be aborted. SuspendState=, HibernateState=, HybridSleepState= The string to be written to /sys/power/state by, respectively, systemd-suspend.service(8), systemd-hibernate.service(8), or systemd- hybrid-sleep.service(8). More than one value can be specified by seperating multiple values with commas. They will be tried in turn, until one is written without error. If neither suceeds, the operation will be aborted. EXAMPLE
: FREEZE Example: to exploit the "freeze" mode added in Linux 3.9, one can use systemctl suspend with [Sleep] SuspendState=freeze SEE ALSO
systemd-sleep(8), systemd-suspend.service(8), systemd-hibernate.service(8), systemd-hybrid-sleep.service(8), systemd(1), systemd.directives(7) systemd 208 SYSTEMD-SLEEP.CONF(5)
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