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mbk_vdd(1) [opendarwin man page]


MBK_VDD - define the high level power name pattern SYNOPSYS
c-shell running setenv MBK_VDD powername ORIGIN
This software belongs to the ALLIANCE CAD SYSTEM developed by the ASIM team at LIP6 laboratory of Universite Pierre et Marie CURIE, in Paris, France. Web : E-mail : DESCRIPTION
MBK_VDD sets the pattern to be matched in a name to indicate a power supply for the tools based upon mbk. Its default value is vdd. Therefore all names of the form `*vdd*' indicates a power supply. EXAMPLE
setenv MBK_VDD vcc SEE ALSO
mbk(3), genlib(1), isvdd(3), isvss(3), MBK_VSS(1). BUG REPORT
This tool is under development at the ASIM department of the LIP6 laboratory. We need your feedback to improve documentation and tools. ASIM
/LIP6 October 1, 1997 MBK_VDD(1)
Man Page

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