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macutil(1) [opendarwin man page]

MACUTIL(1)						      General Commands Manual							MACUTIL(1)

macutil - A package that deals with MacIntosh files on a Unix system DESCRIPTION
macutil is a package that contains a number of utilities that deal with MacIntosh files on a Unix system. It contains the following pro- grams: binhex Convert files to BinHex 4.0 compatible hexified form. frommac Receives files from the MacIntosh on the Unix system. hexbin Convert hexified files to their MacIntosh format. macsave Save a series of files from a MacBinary stream as individual files. macstream Combine a series of files to a MacBinary stream. macunpack Unpack a MacIntosh archive into its constituents. tomac Transmits files from the Unix system to a MacIntosh. BUGS
This manual page is hopelessly incomplete! SEE ALSO
binhex(1), frommac(1), hexbin(1), macsave(1), macstream(1), macunpack(1), tomac(1) AUTHOR
Dik T. Winter, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ( 3rd Berkeley Distribution October 22, 1992 MACUTIL(1)

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MACUTIL(1)						      General Commands Manual							MACUTIL(1)

macutil - A package that deals with MacIntosh files on a Unix system DESCRIPTION
macutil is a package that contains a number of utilities that deal with MacIntosh files on a Unix system. It contains the following pro- grams: binhex Convert files to BinHex 4.0 compatible hexified form. frommac Receives files from the MacIntosh on the Unix system. hexbin Convert hexified files to their MacIntosh format. macsave Save a series of files from a MacBinary stream as individual files. macstream Combine a series of files to a MacBinary stream. macunpack Unpack a MacIntosh archive into its constituents. tomac Transmits files from the Unix system to a MacIntosh. BUGS
This manual page is hopelessly incomplete! SEE ALSO
binhex(1), frommac(1), hexbin(1), macsave(1), macstream(1), macunpack(1), tomac(1) AUTHOR
Dik T. Winter, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ( 3rd Berkeley Distribution October 22, 1992 MACUTIL(1)
Man Page

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