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kinit(1) [opendarwin man page]

kinit(1)                                                           User Commands                                                          kinit(1)

kinit - obtain and cache Kerberos ticket-granting ticket SYNOPSIS
/usr/bin/kinit [-ARvV] [-p | -P] [-f | -F] [-c cache_name] [ -k [-t keytab_file]] [-l lifetime] [-r renewable_life] [-s start_time] [-S service_name] [principal] DESCRIPTION
The kinit command is used to obtain and cache an initial ticket-granting ticket (credential) for principal. This ticket is used for authen- tication by the Kerberos system. Notice that only users with Kerberos principals can use the Kerberos system. For information about Ker- beros principals, see SEAM(5). When you use kinit without options, the utility prompts for your principal and Kerberos password, and tries to authenticate your login with the local Kerberos server. The principal can be specified on the command line if desired. If Kerberos authenticates the login attempt, kinit retrieves your initial ticket-granting ticket and puts it in the ticket cache. By default your ticket will be stored in the file /tmp/krb5cc_uid, where uid specifies your user identification number. Tickets expire after a specified lifetime, after which kinit must be run again. Any existing contents of the cache are destroyed by kinit. Values specified in the command line override the values specified in the Kerberos configuration file for lifetime and renewable_life. The kdestroy(1) command may be used to destroy any active tickets before you end your login session. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -A Requests address-less tickets. -c cache_name Uses cache_name as the credentials (ticket) cache name and location. If this option is not used, the default cache name and location are used. -f Requests forwardable tickets. -F Not forwardable. Does not request forwardable tickets. Tickets that have been acquired on one host cannot normally be used on another host. A client can request that the ticket be marked forwardable. Once the TKT_FLG_FORWARDABLE flag is set on a ticket, the user can use this ticket to request a new ticket, but with a different IP address. Thus, users can use their current credentials to get creden- tials valid on another machine. This option allows a user to explicitly obtain a non-forwardable ticket. -k [-t keytab_file] Requests a host ticket, obtained from a key in the local host's keytab file. The name and location of the keytab file may be specified with the -t keytab_file option. Otherwise, the default name and location will be used. -l lifetime Requests a ticket with the lifetime lifetime. If the -l option is not specified, the default ticket lifetime (con- figured by each site) is used. Specifying a ticket lifetime longer than the maximum ticket lifetime (configured by each site) results in a ticket with the maximum lifetime. See the Time Formats section for the valid time duration formats that you can specify for lifetime. See kdc.conf(4) and kadmin(1M) (for getprinc command to verify the life- time values for the server principal). The lifetime of the tickets returned will be the minimum of the following: o Value specified in the command line. o Value specified in the KDC configuration file. o Value specified in the Kerberos data base for the server principal. In the case of kinit, it is krbtgt/realm name. o Value specified in the Kerberos database for the user principal. -p Requests proxiable tickets. -P Not proxiable. Does not request proxiable tickets. A proxiable ticket is a ticket that allows you to get a ticket for a service with IP addresses other than the ones in the Ticket Granting Ticket. This option allows a user to explicitly obtain a non-proxiable ticket. -r renewable_life Requests renewable tickets, with a total lifetime of renewable_life. See the Time Formats section for the valid time duration formats that you can specify for renewable_life. See kdc.conf(4) and kadmin(1M) (for getprinc command to verify the lifetime values for the server principal). The renewable lifetime of the tickets returned will be the minimum of the following: o Value specified in the command line. o Value specified in the KDC configuration file. o Value specified in the Kerberos data base for the server principal. In the case of kinit, it is krbtgt/realm name. o Value specified in the Kerberos database for the user principal. -R Requests renewal of the ticket-granting ticket. Notice that an expired ticket cannot be renewed, even if the ticket is still within its renewable life. -s start_time Requests a postdated ticket, valid starting at start_time. Postdated tickets are issued with the invalid flag set, and need to be fed back to the KDC before use. See the Time Formats section for either the valid absolute time or time duration formats that you can specify for start_time. kinit attempts to match an absolute time first before trying to match a time duration. -S service_name Specifies an alternate service name to use when getting initial tickets. -v Requests that the ticket granting ticket in the cache (with the invalid flag set) be passed to the KDC for valida- tion. If the ticket is within its requested time range, the cache is replaced with the validated ticket. -V Verbose output. Displays further information to the user, such as confirmation of authentication and version. Time Formats The following absolute time formats can be used for the -s start_time option. The examples are based on the date and time of July 2, 1999, 1:35:30 p.m. +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Absolute Time Format |Example | |yymmddhhmm[ss] |990702133530 | |hhmm[ss] |133530 | | |99:07:02:13:35:30 | |hh:mm[:ss] |13:35:30 | |ldate:ltime |07-07-99:13:35:30 | |dd-month-yyyy:hh:mm[:ss] |02-july-1999:13:35:30 | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ Variable Description dd day hh hour (24-hour clock) mm minutes ss seconds yy year within century (0-68 is 2000 to 2068; 69-99 is 1969 to 1999) yyyy year including century month locale's full or abbrevi- ated month name ldate locale's appropriate date representation ltime locale's appropriate time representation The following time duration formats can be used for the -l lifetime, -r renewable_life, and -s start_time options. The examples are based on the time duration of 14 days, 7 hours, 5 minutes, and 30 seconds. +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Time Duration Format |Example | |#d |14d | |#h |7h | |#m |5m | |#s |30s | |#d#h#m#s |14d7h5m30s | |#h#m[#s] |7h5m30s | |days-hh:mm:ss |14-07:05:30 | |hours:mm[:ss] |7:05:30 | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ Delimiter Description d number of days h number of hours m number of minutes s number of seconds Variable Description # number days number of days hours number of hours hh hour (24-hour clock) mm minutes ss seconds ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
kinit uses the following environment variable: KRB5CCNAME Location of the credentials (ticket) cache. See krb5envvar(5) for syntax and details. FILES
/tmp/krb5cc_uid Default credentials cache (uid is the decimal UID of the user). /etc/krb5/krb5.keytab Default location for the local host's keytab file. /etc/krb5/krb5.conf Default location for the local host's configuration file. See krb5.conf(4). ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWkrbu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |See below. | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ The command arguments are Evolving. The command output is Unstable. SEE ALSO
kdestroy(1), klist(1), kadmin(1M), ktkt_warnd(1M), kdc.conf(4), krb5.conf(4), attributes(5), krb5envvar(5), pam_krb5(5), SEAM(5) AUTHORS
Steve Miller, MIT Project Athena/Digital Equipment Corporation; Clifford Neuman, MIT Project Athena NOTES
On success, kinit notifies ktkt_warnd(1M) to alert the user when the initial credentials (ticket-granting ticket) are about to expire. SunOS 5.10 30 Apr 2004 kinit(1)
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