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idxmerge(1) [opendarwin man page]

FWEB(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   FWEB(1)

idxmerge - merge fweb-produced index files. SYNOPSIS
idxmerge -fle file1.idx... DESCRIPTION
idxmerge merges index files produced by the invocation of fweave with option -XI. MANUAL
Further documentation can be obtained from texinfo, available online through emacs' info browser (menu item fweb ), or in HTML format. BUGS
Please send bug reports, suggestions, and questions to FWEB is a spare-time activity, so response may be slow. However, your input is very much appreciated. AUTHORS
idxmerge was written by John A. Krommes, Princeton University, as part of the FWEB system. This manpage was written by Yann Dirson <> for the Debian Project, with information from the FWEB Texinfo manual. 4th Berkeley Distribution March 12, 1998 FWEB(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

INFO(5) 							File Formats Manual							   INFO(5)

info - readable online documentation DESCRIPTION
The Info file format is an easily-parsable representation for online documents. It can be read by emacs(1) and info(1) among other pro- grams. Info files are usually created from texinfo(5) sources by makeinfo(1), but can be created from scratch if so desired. For a full description of the Texinfo language and associated tools, please see the Texinfo manual (written in Texinfo itself). Most likely, running this command from your shell: info texinfo or this key sequence from inside Emacs: M-x info RET m texinfo RET will get you there. AVAILABILITY<version>.tar.gz or any GNU mirror site. REPORTING BUGS
Please send bug reports to, general questions and discussion to SEE ALSO
info(1), install-info(1), makeinfo(1), texi2dvi(1), texindex(1). emacs(1), tex(1). texinfo(5). FSF
GNU Info INFO(5)
Man Page

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