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fc-pattern(1) [opendarwin man page]

FC-PATTERN(1)															     FC-PATTERN(1)

fc-pattern - parse and show pattern SYNOPSIS
fc-pattern [ -cdVh ] [ --config ] [ --default ] [ [ -f format ] [ --format format ] ] [ --version ] [ --help ] [ pattern [ element... ] ] DESCRIPTION
fc-pattern parses pattern (empty pattern by default) and shows the parsed result. If --config is given, config substitution is performed on the pattern before being displayed. If --default is given, default substitution is performed on the pattern before being displayed. If any elements are specified, only those are printed. OPTIONS
This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below. -c Perform config substitution on pattern. -d Perform default substitution on pattern. -f Format output according to the format specifier format. -V Show version of the program and exit. -h Show summary of options. pattern Parses and displays pattern (uses empty pattern by default). element If set, the element property is displayed for parsed pattern. SEE ALSO
FcNameParse(3) FcConfigSubstitute(3) FcDefaultSubstitute(3) FcPatternPrint(3) FcPatternFormat(3) fc-cat(1) fc-cache(1) fc-list(1) fc- match(1) fc-query(1) fc-scan(1) The fontconfig user's guide, in HTML format: /usr/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html. AUTHOR
This manual page was updated by Behdad Esfahbod <>. Apr 20, 2010 FC-PATTERN(1)

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FC-PATTERN(1)                                                                                                                        FC-PATTERN(1)

fc-pattern - parse and show pattern SYNOPSIS
fc-pattern [ -cdVh ] [ --config ] [ --default ] [ -f format | --format format ] [ --version ] [ --help ] [ pattern [ element ... ] ] DESCRIPTION
fc-pattern parses pattern (empty pattern by default) and shows the parsed result. If --config is given, config substitution is performed on the pattern before being displayed. If --default is given, default substitution is performed on the pattern before being displayed. If any elements are specified, only those are printed. OPTIONS
This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below. -c --config Perform config substitution on pattern. -d --default Perform default substitution on pattern. -f --format format Format output according to the format specifier format. -V --version Show version of the program and exit. -h --help Show summary of options. pattern Parses and displays pattern (uses empty pattern by default). element If set, the element property is displayed for parsed pattern. SEE ALSO
FcNameParse(3) FcConfigSubstitute(3) FcDefaultSubstitute(3) FcPatternPrint(3) FcPatternFormat(3) fc-cat(1) fc-cache(1) fc-list(1) fc- match(1) fc-query(1) fc-scan(1) The fontconfig user's guide, in HTML format: /usr/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html. AUTHOR
This manual page was updated by Behdad Esfahbod <>. 16 April 2012 FC-PATTERN(1)
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