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dtrace(1) [opendarwin man page]

DTRACE(1)						      General Commands Manual							 DTRACE(1)

dtrace - Dtrace compatibile user application static probe generation tool. SYNOPSIS
dtrace -s file [OPTIONS] DESCRIPTION
The dtrace command converts probe descriptions defined in file.d into a probe header file via the -h option or a probe description file via the -G option. OPTIONS
-h generate a systemtap header file. -G generate a systemtap probe definition object file. -o file is the name of the output file. If the -G option is given then the output file will be called file.o; if the -h option is given then the output file will be called file.h. -C run the cpp preprocessor on the input file when the -h option is given. -I file give this include path to cpp when the -C option is given. -k keep temporary files, for example the C language source for the -G option. --types generate probe argument typedef information when the -h option is given. EXAMPLES
Systemtap is source compatible with dtrace user application static probe support. Given a file test.d containing: provider sdt_probes { probe test_0 (int type); probe test_1 (struct astruct node); }; struct astruct {int a; int b;}; Then the command "dtrace -s test.d -G" will create the probe definition file test.o and the command "dtrace -s test.d -h" will create the probe header file test.h Subsequently the application can define probes using #include "test.h" ... struct astruct s; ... SDT_PROBES_TEST_0(value); ... SDT_PROBES_TEST_1(s); The application is linked with "test.o" when it is built. SEE ALSO
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DTRACE(1)						      General Commands Manual							 DTRACE(1)

dtrace - Dtrace compatibile user application static probe generation tool. SYNOPSIS
dtrace -s file [OPTIONS] DESCRIPTION
The dtrace command converts probe descriptions defined in file.d into a probe header file via the -h option or a probe description file via the -G option. OPTIONS
-h generate a systemtap header file. -G generate a systemtap probe definition object file. -o file is the name of the output file. If the -G option is given then the output file will be called file.o; if the -h option is given then the output file will be called file.h. -C run the cpp preprocessor on the input file when the -h option is given. -I file give this include path to cpp when the -C option is given. -k keep temporary files, for example the C language source for the -G option. --types generate probe argument typedef information when the -h option is given. EXAMPLES
Systemtap is source compatible with dtrace user application static probe support. Given a file test.d containing: provider sdt_probes { probe test_0 (int type); probe test_1 (struct astruct node); }; struct astruct {int a; int b;}; Then the command "dtrace -s test.d -G" will create the probe definition file test.o and the command "dtrace -s test.d -h" will create the probe header file test.h Subsequently the application can define probes using #include "test.h" ... struct astruct s; ... SDT_PROBES_TEST_0(value); ... SDT_PROBES_TEST_1(s); The application is linked with "test.o" when it is built. SEE ALSO
stap(1) stappaths(7) DTRACE(1)
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