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dacsconf(1) [opendarwin man page]

DACSCONF(1)						       DACS Commands Manual						       DACSCONF(1)

dacsconf - display configuration directives SYNOPSIS
dacsconf [dacsoptions[1]] [-vars] [directive-name...] dacsconf [-item_types] DESCRIPTION
This program is part of the DACS suite. The dacsconf utility processes DACS configuration files (see dacs.conf(5)[2]) and outputs to stdout the values of directives or variable references currently in effect for the specified jurisdiction. Although the order in which clauses appear in configuration files can be important, the order of configuration directives is for the most part not significant. The exception is the EVAL[3] directive. These directives are listed in the order in which they would be evaluated, and their unevaluated values appear in the output. This program is also available as a DACS web service, dacs_conf(8)[4]. Security Because the configuration might reveal information that could be taken advantage of by an attacker, only the DACS administrator should be able to run this command. OPTIONS
-item_types List the names of all predefined item types. The presence of a name does not imply that DACS has been configured to use the item type. -vars By default, directives that appear within a clause (e.g., <Auth> or <Roles>) are emitted in the context of that clause. This option "flattens" the output by emitting it in the form of DACS variables. For example, the STYLE directive in an Auth section having an id of foo will appear as AUTH.FOO.STYLE in the output. All variables in the Conf namespace are displayed, including those set by EVAL. directive-name One or more directive names or variable references may be provided to limit the output. It is not an error if a directive-name is not defined. FILES
conf.css[5] DIAGNOSTICS
The program exits 0 if everything was fine, 1 if an error occurred. Error messages are printed to stderr. SEE ALSO
dacs_conf(8)[4], dacs.conf(5)[2] AUTHOR
Distributed Systems Software ([6]) COPYING
Copyright2003-2012 Distributed Systems Software. See the LICENSE[7] file that accompanies the distribution for licensing information. NOTES
1. dacsoptions 2. dacs.conf(5) 3. EVAL 4. dacs_conf(8) 5. conf.css 6. 7. LICENSE DACS 1.4.27b 10/22/2012 DACSCONF(1)

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DACS_CONF(8)						     DACS Web Services Manual						      DACS_CONF(8)

dacs_conf - display DACS configuration directives SYNOPSIS
dacs_conf [dacsoptions[1]] DESCRIPTION
This program is part of the DACS suite. The dacs_conf web service processes and displays DACS configuration files (see dacs.conf(5)[2]). If XML output is selected, a document conforming to dacs_conf_reply.dtd[3] is returned. Although the order in which clauses appear in configuration files can be important, the order of configuration directives is for the most part not significant. The exception is the EVAL[4] directive. These directives are listed in the order in which they would be evaluated, and their unevaluated values appear in the output. Note This program is also available as a DACS utility, dacsconf(1)[5]. Because dacs_admin(8)[6] provides the same functionality and more, dacs_conf may be removed in a future release. Security Because the configuration might reveal information that could be taken advantage of by an attacker, only the DACS administrator should be able to run this command. Accordingly, a DACS ACL restricts use of this web service to a DACS administrator. OPTIONS
Web Service Arguments In addition to the standard CGI arguments[7], dacs_conf understands the following CGI arguments: DIRECTIVE This optional, repeatable argument is a comma-separated list of directive names or variable references to be displayed. This is similar to the directive-name arguments to dacsconf(1)[5]. An example of a directive name is JURISDICTION_NAME. An example of a variable reference is ${Conf::jurisdiction_name:i}. VARS If the value of this optional argument is "yes", the effect on output formatting is the same as when the -vars flag is give to dacsconf(1)[5]. The default value is "no". FILES
conf.css[8] DIAGNOSTICS
The program exits 0 if everything was fine, 1 if an error occurred. SEE ALSO
dacsconf(1)[5], dacs.conf(5)[2] AUTHOR
Distributed Systems Software ([9]) COPYING
Copyright2003-2012 Distributed Systems Software. See the LICENSE[10] file that accompanies the distribution for licensing information. NOTES
1. dacsoptions 2. dacs.conf(5) 3. dacs_conf_reply.dtd 4. EVAL 5. dacsconf(1) 6. dacs_admin(8) 7. standard CGI arguments 8. conf.css 9. 10. LICENSE DACS 1.4.27b 10/22/2012 DACS_CONF(8)
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