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bpwhoami(1) [opendarwin man page]

BPWHOAMI(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					       BPWHOAMI(1)

bpwhoami -- print the output of a bootparams whoami call SYNOPSIS
This command makes a bootparams whoami call and echos the results to stdout. The output is of the form: HOSTNAME=<hostname> DOMAIN=<nis domain name> ROUTER=<router ip address> SERVER=<server ip address> SEE ALSO
bootparams(5) bootparamd(8) DIAGNOSTICS
bpwhoami exits with one of the following values: 0 Successfully retrieved information. 1 RPC timed out while attempting to retrieve information. 2 Unrecoverable error. Mac OS August 7, 1997 Mac OS

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hostconfig(1M)						  System Administration Commands					    hostconfig(1M)

hostconfig - configure a system's host parameters SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/hostconfig -p protocol [-d] [ -h] [-n] [-v] [-i interface] [-f hostname] DESCRIPTION
The hostconfig program uses a network protocol to acquire a machine's host parameters and set these parameters on the system. The program selects which protocol to use based on the argument to the required -p flag. Different protocols may set different host param- eters. Currently, only one protocol (bootparams) is defined. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -d Enable debug output. -f hostname Run the protocol as if this machine were named hostname. -h Echo the received hostname to stdout, rather than setting hostname using the system name directly. -i interface Use only the named network interface to run the protocol. -n Run the network protocol, but do not set the acquired parameters into the system. -p protocol Run hostconfig using protocol. Currently, only one protocol (bootparams) is available. This option is required. Specifying the -p bootparams option uses the whoami call of the RPC bootparams protocol. This sets the system's hostname, domainname, and default IP router parameters. -v Enable verbose output. EXAMPLES
Example 1 Configuring Host Parameters with Verbose Output The following command configures a machine's host parameters using the whoami call of the RPC bootparams protocol with a verbose output. example# hostconfig -p bootparams -v Example 2 Displaying Host Parameters The following command displays the parameters that would be set using the whoami call of the RPC bootparams protocol. example# hostconfig -p bootparams -n -v Example 3 Configuring Host Parameters Less the System Name The following command configures a machine's host parameters, less the system name, using the whoami call of the RPC bootparams protocol. example# hostconfig='hostconfig -p bootparams -h' ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
hostname(1), domainname(1M), route(1M), attributes(5) SunOS 5.11 6 Nov 2000 hostconfig(1M)
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